Love, simply.

I wanted to share a bit about my Twin Flame journey, not the polished and refined part, but the raw, natural, real part. The authentic part. The results are beautiful.

I've been a student of Jeff and Shaleia's for three years, and have been doing the inner work of the sacred Mirror Exercise as they teach. My whole life improved as a result of loving myself, and I found greater and greater ease with the Mirror Exercise as I continued practicing it and watching Twin Flame Ascension School classes from

I promise. It does get easier.

And, there are still challenges to move through. Today, in my coaching session with Laurentiu, I came up against a core block in my consciousness. Would God be able to guide me through here?

Josh and I are moving through a challenging time right now in our Union - healing addiction and mental illness. He needs a lot of physical support right now, but isn't choosing that, and that was upsetting me (Step 1 of the Mirror Exercise.) I wanted to point the finger at him and 'his' numbing out and 'his' resistance to getting the support he needs.

As Laurentiu guided me into my heart, I saw myself stubbornly holding on to resistance. I asked this part of me what she needed to feel loved in Step Four of the Mirror Exercise, but I didn't come up with anything because I didn't trust in this place. I wondered why there was so much resistance and unwillingness to take responsibility here.

Then, I saw the Mirror: that here, in this place was 'my' numbing out in stubbornness, 'my' resistance to giving myself the support I needed within. I know it might not sound profound to many people, but it was such an a-ha moment for me.

When I didn't know what to give this part of myself, God came into my heart, and I just simply chose to love this part of me, plain and simple. JUST LOVE. That no matter what, I loved myself. I deserve love.

That simple, sweet love shifted everything.

I continued healing after our session, and I realized what the resistance was about, and I want you to know this for your healing:

When I wasn't willing to accept what Josh was showing me, it was because if I admitted it was 'my' stuff, then I would be faced with the feeling of powerlessness and helplessness that was buried deep down. I didn't want to go near that feeling of powerlessness. I wanted to pretend I didn't feel that way. And most of all, I was worried it was 'too difficult' to heal.

Those may be some of the reasons why you may feel resistant to seeing your Twin as your Divine Mirror. You may feel that you can't heal what they are showing you. You may not trust Twin Flame Ascension School, or trust that the Certified Ascension Coaches can and will guide you through these sensitive places. But those inner remarks are just clever traps ego tosses at you to thwart your actual healing, which is easier than you think.

Nothing, not even the greatest challenges of the world, is too difficult to heal because of the power of love. Love is simple, and it is the most powerful force in the Universe. "Only Love is real, and Love never fails," ~ Jeff and Shaleia.

As I just simply loved myself, I started to feel a deep sense of relief.

Loving myself like this IS loving my Twin Flame, and this is what you can learn to do, too.

Your Twin Flame is your Greatest Teacher, your Best Friend, your Perfect Partner, and your Ultimate Lover. They are also your Perfect Divine Mirror. They reflect your One Consciousness the clearest of anyone or anything in the Universe because you are One with them. This is why the Mirror Exercise is the only tool you need on your Twin Flame journey, and the primary tool Jeff and Shaleia practice in Twin Flame Ascension School with their students with great success.

This success in ALL areas is priceless, and invaluable. And, it starts within, by being able to receive love and support to address the places within your Consciousness that need love that never got it. Those are the places that need it the most. And THOSE are the places that your Twin Flame is always pointing to, all the way to Perfect Union (Enlightenment).

There's nothing more important than Love.


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