Day 5: RA Challenge: Telepathy

In the Twin Flames: Romance Attraction e-Course Lesson 5 “Becoming Highly Magnetic,” Jeff and Shaleia emphasize the importance of addressing negative thoughts about one's Twin Flame and recognizing them as illusions.

“It's important that you don't get carried away with the illusion. It's really important to focus on the truth of their being, which is that they are a Divine Being. When you focus purely on seeing the positive and seeing the love in them, that's what eventually gets drawn out from them and into your reality.”

This resonated with me as I observed its effectiveness in my own Union with Josh. Positive thoughts about him seemed to multiply and materialize. By cultivating thoughts of myself as a lovable being and envisioning Josh's love and kindness towards me, I transformed my experience. Despite initial unkindness, persistently rejecting the illusions presented by him revealed the truth of his love, now reflected in my external reality. The lesson underscores the idea that what you focus on expands.

In Lesson 5, Jeff and Shaleia also mention a strong telepathic connection between Twin Flames and the potential for personal growth by working through limiting beliefs. The process is described as a powerful magnetization towards union with the Twin Flame and is presented as a preparation and deepening course for the relationship.

“Twin Flame telepathy is very strong and very amplified, especially in your physical presence, so they're automatically going to adjust themselves to how you think and feel about them. It's really powerful. This is a really wonderful opportunity to work through some limiting beliefs about your Twin Flame. If there's some major things that you feel not so good about your Twin Flame, just write them down and work through them. This will magnetize you very powerfully toward your Twin Flame. This is a preparation course to being with your Twin Flame as well as a deepening.”

As part of the lesson's activity, participants are asked to list 8-10 positive qualities about their Twin Flame and 3-5 negative aspects. Initially challenging for some, the exercise becomes transformative over time. In my case, overcoming upsets allowed me to appreciate numerous qualities about Josh, showcasing the impact of changing my thoughts and committing to self-love.

The truth is that Josh was always responding to my thoughts and beliefs about myself, as well as about him. When I decided to change how I thought about myself, and committed to doing the inner work to love myself, he reflected this healing to me. This will work for you as it works for everyone who applies these spiritual teachings sincerely to their lives.

Leesie Mappes

I help Twin Flames out of separation and into Harmonious Union permanently.

The truth of love


Day 4: It’s already yours.