Day 4: It’s already yours.

"What your heart desires is already here now."

Jeff and Shaleia Divine, Twin Flames: Romance Attraction e-Course, Lesson 4. (Find it at

One of the most profound and transformative commitments we can undertake is acknowledging the divinity within ourselves and our Twin Flame. Lesson 4 of the Romance Attraction e-Course revealed to me that our external reality mirrors and can even influence our inner state. Complete purification of anything unloving is essential, as our inner state manifests in our external reality.

Creating an environment that nurtures comfort and evokes love and romance becomes crucial. Surrounding ourselves with people and spaces radiating love is not just a luxury; it's a necessity for our well-being. Anything devoid of love or joy has no place in the tapestry of our lives.

Investing in our surroundings to cultivate a loving and harmonious space pays off by attracting positive energy. Simple gestures, like lighting candles or adorning spaces with flowers, contribute to this. Romance is not solely dependent on partners; it's a self-created gift and a force attracted by embodying it.

The essence of romance is self-sufficiency, generating those feelings independently. Realizing we don't need external validation or someone else's efforts to experience romance is crucial. It's an internal flame we kindle, a gift we give ourselves, and an energy we attract by authentically embodying it.

I became deeply interested in my environment, discovering my preferences versus societal expectations. Jewel tones and bold, beautiful colors became my preference, symbolizing my authentic self. (You can see evidence of this in my newly-refreshed website!)

The lesson extended to our relationship with our bodies. Romance isn't confined to external expressions; it begins within. Connecting with our bodies and embracing nourishing foods are vital. It's not just about a specific diet but fostering a positive relationship with self-nourishment. Being mindful of physical and emotional well-being is key to feeling good and maintaining harmony.

My partner Josh and I are food enthusiasts, aligning our relationship with food with God-Consciousness through Making a Divine Dish pizza together for Valentine’s Day was pure joy, emphasizing the importance of consuming food made with love. This experience allows us to be completely nourished and expresses our love through every culinary step.

While I could share more about my experience, it's something you'll have to explore for yourself. Find the lesson at

Leesie Mappes

I help Twin Flames out of separation and into Harmonious Union permanently.

Day 5: RA Challenge: Telepathy


The Order of Relationship