The Mirror Exercise and the LOA

We often come across various tools and techniques that claim to bridge the gap between our internal thoughts and the external reality we experience. The most powerful method is the Mirror Exercise, a practice that delves into the profound connection between our inner consciousness and the outer world. The essence of this exercise lies in the understanding that our external life is a direct reflection of our internal state of mind

You can best learn the Mirror Exercise in Jeff and Shaleia’s book, Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, found at

At the core of the Mirror Exercise lies the fundamental principle of the Law of Attraction – the idea that like attracts like. This law suggests that the energy and vibrations we emit internally attract similar energies and circumstances externally. In other words, as within, so without. The choices we make in the depths of our consciousness have a direct impact on the reality we create for ourselves.

Picture a mirror reflecting your image back at you. The Mirror Exercise metaphorically extends this reflection to the entirety of your life. What you experience on the outside is a direct result of the choices you make on the inside. If you find annoyances or upsets in your external world, the Mirror Exercise encourages you to look within. These disturbances are not mere coincidences; they are reflections of the internal disturbances within yourself.

Central to the Mirror Exercise is the recognition of the power of core choices. These are the decisions we make at the very core of our being, often on a subconscious level. It's these choices that shape our thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs, ultimately manifesting in the external circumstances of our lives. By becoming aware of these core choices, we gain the ability to intentionally mold our reality.

The Mirror Exercise is not just a theoretical concept; it is a practical tool that invites introspection. Begin by identifying recurring patterns or challenges in your external life. Instead of attributing them to external factors, consider them as reflections of your internal landscape. What choices, beliefs, or attitudes might be contributing to these circumstances?

Once you've identified the internal factors, the next step is to consciously make positive changes. Choose thoughts that align with your desired reality, adopt empowering beliefs, and cultivate a mindset that attracts the experiences you want in your life. The Mirror Exercise empowers you to take control of your internal world, knowing that it will inevitably shape your external reality.

The Mirror Exercise serves as a powerful reminder that the external world is a mirror reflecting the intricacies of our consciousness. By acknowledging and understanding the connection between our inner choices and outer experiences, we gain the ability to intentionally shape our reality. As within, so without – a timeless truth that invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, conscious choices, and the manifestation of a life aligned with our deepest desires.

Leesie Mappes

I help Twin Flames out of separation and into Harmonious Union permanently.

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