Why they won’t talk with you

The connection with your Twin Flame is a Mirror, reflecting the deepest aspects of yourself, bringing to light what may be hidden or overlooked. If you find yourself in a situation where your Twin Flame is not talking to you, it's time to take a closer look within.

So, what does it mean when your Twin Flame won't communicate with you? It's a direct reflection of how you may be neglecting a crucial aspect of yourself. It's like a cosmic reminder, urging you to examine the way you communicate with your inner self. You might be wondering, "How am I not communicating with myself?"

Consider the possibility that you're ignoring your own needs, intuition, and the importance of setting healthy boundaries for yourself and others. Perhaps you're overlooking your own desires, creativity, spirituality, and the signs that the universe is trying to convey to you. Your Twin Flame's silence is a symbolic gesture, mirroring the areas within yourself that you're not paying attention to – your beauty, intelligence, power, inner child, and even your financial well-being.

What can you do about it?

One simple solution: the Mirror Exercise. To go learn it: pick up your copy of Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, by Jeff and Shaleia at Twin Flames Universe.

The key to healing this situation lies in choosing to no longer ignore your Divine Self. It's about actively listening to yourself, acknowledging your needs, and fostering a more profound relationship with yourself. By doing so, you pave the way for a more harmonious connection with your Twin Flame and put an end to the communication gap.

Now, if your Twin Flame seems distant and uninterested in being with you, it might be a reflection of your own reluctance to be with yourself. Are you seeking external validation and love, trying to fill a void within by relying on others, including your Twin Flame? The truth is, your Twin Flame cannot replace the love and fulfillment that can only come from within.

When you approach relationships from a place of neediness, it creates a repulsive energy. Your Twin Flame is naturally drawn to you when you are complete within yourself. Seeking love from others, including your Twin Flame, instead of finding it within, only pushes them away. Fulfillment comes through God's Divine Love, and the moment you start "needing" something or someone to complete you, you engage in co-dependent behavior.

Your Twin Flame is not meant to take the place of God in your life. Placing such expectations on them is inappropriate, as they are not your Creator. They cannot offer the same unconditional love that flows from the source of divine creation.

In essence, the journey with your Twin Flame is a journey within. It's a call to develop a profound relationship with your Divine Self, acknowledging your completeness and worthiness. By doing so, you not only transform your relationship with your Twin Flame but also create a foundation for authentic, lasting love.

Leesie Mappes

I help Twin Flames out of separation and into Harmonious Union permanently.


The Order of Relationship


The Mirror Exercise and the LOA