On Commitment
"Do not be afraid to learn to be closer with God." -Jeff Divine, from the attached post.
Yesterday during our live video, we discussed the Purpose of Twin Flames. For many of us who are now in Union, we experienced a time when we saw ourselves physically alone, as we were healing our inner life and doing the work to magnetize our Union. This inner work brings you closer and closer into a state of harmony with God.
To the world at large, we may have seemed like we were nuts. "Why don't you put yourself out there, find a nice man or woman to be by your side? I have a cousin I'd like you to meet, etc." people may have said to you. People couldn't understand why we were reserving our romantic relationship for our Twin Flame only, regardless of how it looked on the outside..
Only your Twin Flame is designed to be your perfect partner. No one else in existence comes close to the level of relating you can have with your Twin Flame because they reflect your relationship with God the most perfectly.
If you're not currently with your Twin Flame, in the physical, remember they are right there with you in your heart. Knowing who your Twin Flame is and dating or leaking sexual energy to another will only slow down your progress with your Beloved.
For some, this is a challenge especially if you haven't seen your Twin for a time. But there's a way to heal the separation consciousness you're experiencing and draw in a new experience. That way is taught in Twin Flame Ascension School and throughout all the Teachings of Union. The basic element of the Teaching is: Love yourself.
It's so worth it to be chaste to your Union and commit to your Union wholeheartedly. It's worth it not to allow others to attempt to get you to leak sexual energy to them out of your Union. The reward is great for those who stay the course. Keep going, and claim your support. You don't have to do this alone!