
Let's talk about Desire. That burning, sometimes almost agonizing longing for something – whether it's a harmonious Twin Flame Union or any other dream close to your heart. Have you ever felt like God is dangling a carrot in front of you, teasing you with something you can't quite reach? It's a feeling many of us can relate to, but I want to offer you a different perspective.

The word "desire" itself holds a clue to understanding its nature. If you break it down, it literally translates to "from the father." In other words, your desires, those heartfelt yearnings that you carry within you, are a gift from the Divine. They are not arbitrary or whimsical; they are part of your soul's journey.

So, when you find yourself thinking that God is playing tricks on you by keeping your desires just out of reach, it's essential to remember that this isn't the work of the Divine. Instead, it's a reflection of where you might not be fully loving yourself. Those feelings of frustration, longing, and unfulfilled desires often stem from inner wounds and limiting beliefs that tell you that you are not worthy or deserving.

The good news is that you have the power to transform this narrative. One powerful tool for doing so is the Mirror Exercise, taught by Jeff and Shaleia in the Twin Flame Ascension School. This exercise allows you to delve deep into your inner world, identify those areas where self-love is lacking, and heal them. By loving and nurturing yourself, you begin to align with the truth of your deservingness, and the feeling of God dangling a carrot fades away.

But there's more to it than just self-love. Desire, when understood in its truest sense, is not meant to be an elusive goal. It's a beacon guiding you towards your purpose and your destined path. This is where learning and practicing the teachings of Union become vital. Your Twin Flame journey is a profound learning experience, and the knowledge you gain along the way is an essential aspect of your growth.

So, my dear Twin Flames, I encourage you to embrace your desires with open arms, knowing that they are gifts from the Divine. Recognize that God isn't teasing you but offering you opportunities for growth, healing, and Union. Your journey is meaningful, and your desires are there to remind you of your purpose. Learning and practicing are your stepping stones toward the Harmonious Twin Flame Union you seek.

Don't underestimate the significance of this journey or your capacity to manifest your desires. With love, self-acceptance, and dedication, you can turn those dreams into your reality.


Divine Mother


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