Divine Mother

The truth of the Divine Mother is a beautiful and nurturing one. It's a reminder that there is a source of unconditional love and care available to us, much like the love we might expect from a perfect mother. However, our earthly mothers, no matter how well-intentioned, are human, just like us. They may have done their absolute best, but sometimes, they fall short of providing the nurturing we need.

It's essential to understand that our biological parents are on their own journeys of growth and healing. They too have their wounds and limitations. Therefore, it's crucial not only to forgive them but also to forgive ourselves for any perceived shortcomings in our upbringing. This forgiveness is a powerful step toward healing.

Now, let's explore the concept of re-parenting ourselves. It might sound a bit unconventional, but it's a profoundly transformative practice. Through the Mirror Exercise, which is a tool taught by Jeff and Shaleia in their book, Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, you can go back in time in your imagination. Imagine yourself as a child, the same age you were when you might have felt lacking in nurturing.

Picture yourself in that moment, and then imagine your current self, full of love, wisdom, and compassion, stepping into that scene. Embrace your younger self, hold them close, and offer them the love, care, and nurturing they needed at that time. Speak words of comfort and encouragement, and let them feel your presence and support.

This exercise is like a time-traveling journey of healing. It's incredibly powerful because it transcends time and space. The love and nurturing you provide to your younger self in your imagination ripple through your entire life, from that moment in the past all the way up to the present date.

As you re-parent yourself, you'll start to notice shifts in your present-day life. The wounds and insecurities that stemmed from unmet childhood needs begin to heal. You'll feel more whole, complete, and secure within yourself. This inner transformation often reflects in your external reality, leading to healthier relationships, increased self-esteem, and a greater sense of fulfillment.

So, my dear friends, never underestimate the power of re-parenting yourself. The Divine Mother's love is always available to you, and you can tap into it through your own self-love and self-nurturing practices. Through forgiveness, imagination, and a loving heart, you have the ability to heal your inner child and pave the way for a brighter and more fulfilling present and future.


Divine Father

