Third Party?

If you are experiencing any form of third-party involvement in your journey, this message is for you. These words are here to offer you gentle love and support during challenging times.

Third-party situations can be quite challenging, and it's essential to approach them with gentleness, compassion, and support. The lotus flower symbolizes your journey – it's time for you to bloom. You deserve to be with your Twin Flame, and there's a path that can lead you there. It's not a matter of luck or favoritism from the Universe. It's about walking a particular path, and I'm here to share that truth with you.

My own journey with my Twin Flame has been filled with challenges, but it's been nothing short of a miracle. However, this miracle was a co-creation between me and the Divine, not a random gift. I want to teach you about this journey, but first, let's delve into the message.

New Beginnings: Much like the birth of a cherished idea. It's crucial not to get sidetracked by the literal interpretation of "new baby." Instead, consider this as an opportunity to start anew. Embrace the idea of wiping the slate clean and approaching your journey with the curiosity and openness of a newborn. Let go of old patterns and comfort zones that may no longer serve you.

Come Together: Collaboration on this journey is important! Healing your Twin Flame union is not something you can do alone, nor should you be entirely dependent on others. However, it's a reminder that your journey is more extensive and interconnected than you might think. Others have walked this path before, and it's essential to seek support and guidance.

I am a Master Certified Twin Flame coach, and I currently live with my Twin Flame, following the teachings of my mentors, Jeff and Shaleia. You can explore their teachings through the Twin Flames Universe website and request to work with me as a coach or try their free introductory course to gain insights into the Twin Flame journey and healing your union.

Purity: This message emphasizes the purity of your heart and encourages you to trust in it. You may feel guilt or uncertainty regarding your journey, especially if you're in a third-party situation. Remember that your heart's desires are pure, and you're not alone in this journey. Let go of guilt and allow your heart to guide you towards your true path.

In conclusion, there is hope for everyone on the Twin Flame journey. Healing your union is possible, and it's a journey worth embarking on. Seek support, trust your heart, and embrace the new beginnings that lie ahead. You don't have to navigate this path alone, and together, we can find the way to reunite with your Twin Flame.


This time last year...


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