No Contact?

If you are currently experiencing a period of no contact with your Twin Flame, this message is for you.

During moments of no contact, you might be tempted to give up or seek other distractions. It's crucial to understand that your Twin Flame's silence is not about them; it's about you. There is a block within your heart that needs healing. Your Twin Flame reflects this block to you, showing you where you are not communicating with yourself.

In the book "Twin Flame: Finding Your Ultimate Lover," the Mirror Exercise explains how your Twin Flame mirrors back how you are neglecting various aspects of yourself, such as your needs, intuition, boundaries, creativity, and spirituality. To move forward, you must stop ignoring your Divine self and build a loving relationship with yourself.

Your Twin Flame Union is deeply intertwined with your Divine self. To resonate with them harmoniously, you must first align with your Divine self. This connection forms the basis of your unity with your Twin Flame. When you acknowledge and communicate with your Divine self, you create the space for your Twin Flame to rejoin your journey.

A teacher is essential in guiding you on the path to Twin Flame Union. In my own journey with my Twin Flame, there was a time of seven months with no contact. I didn't understand why this separation was happening, but I found guidance and healing through teachers, Jeff and Shaleia, who offer their teachings at the Twin Flame Ascension School.

A teacher provides you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complexities of Twin Flame relationships. They help you heal and grow, preparing you for a harmonious reunion with your Divine counterpart.

You are already connected with your Twin Flame on a spiritual level, and this separation is part of your shared journey. Embrace this time as a gift from the Divine, a chance to strengthen your connection with your Twin Flame and yourself. Have faith that your union is not separate from the love and guidance of the Divine. Your Twin Flame journey is a profound spiritual path that goes beyond romantic love. It involves healing, growth, and alignment with your Divine self.

You are never alone on this journey. Reach out to spiritual communities like Twin Flames Universe for support and guidance. Your Twin Flame Union is a journey toward harmonious unity with the Divine, and by embracing this path, you can ultimately find the love and connection you seek.


Third Party?


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