No Contact?

This post is dedicated to those of you who find yourselves in some form of ‘no contact’ with your Twin Flame. Whether it's complete silence, being blocked, or intermittent communication, this message is for you. Your Twin Flame has an important message about your union, and it's essential to understand that you and your Twin Flame share the same Soul blueprint. You are always interconnected, even when it doesn't seem that way.

The first aspect we need to address is the patterns in your life. These patterns may have been present for a long time, possibly spanning across various lifetimes. These patterns could manifest as codependency, attracting toxic relationships, or holding onto situations that no longer serve your higher purpose. It's time to release these patterns. Your Twin Flame encourages you to seek support and not go through this journey alone. There are communities, such as the Twin Flames Universe Open Forum on Facebook, where you can connect with others who understand your journey.

Next, it's important to take a step back and give yourself permission to acknowledge your feelings. Taking a break doesn't mean running away from your challenges but rather breaking free from destructive patterns. Your Twin Flame encourages you to explore your emotions deeply. Your feelings hold the key to healing and harmony in your Twin Flame connection. Instead of suppressing them, embrace them with love.

Moving on to the final aspect, we have the concept of embracing your true calling. There is a strong link between your Life's Purpose and your Twin Flame journey. Sometimes, religious beliefs or societal expectations may have led you away from your true path. Your Twin Flame is urging you to listen to your heart, step into your purpose, and trust that this choice aligns with your union.

Remember, you are already desirable. By choosing to prioritize yourself and follow your calling, you naturally draw your Twin Flame closer. This isn't about chasing them but about fully loving and accepting yourself. Your Twin Flame is an integral part of your destiny, and as you align with your true purpose, they will naturally come closer.

Don't let fear hold you back. It's okay to feel scared, but show compassion to yourself. Seek guidance and support, whether through coaching or by joining Twin Flame communities. This journey is a process, and you have the power to shape it.

Release your fixation on timing; union is not about time. Concentrate on loving yourself and pursuing your purpose. Your Twin Flame will align with you when the time is right.

What to do next?

It’s important to keep choosing love, and healing, over fear and separation. You may struggle letting go of these thought patterns and coming closer to your Twin Flame, but I can help you! If you’re ready to transform your Love Life with your Twin Flame, book an introductory session with me!

If you'd like to begin right away, you can register for a private coaching group here.

Regardless of where you are on this Earthly journey, always remember: you are worthy of your ultimate love, your twin flame. Embrace the love within, and the universe will guide you to your destined reunion.

Until next time, my beautiful souls. . 🌟💖🔥


Purpose of TF's?


Cause of separation?