Cause of separation?

Hey there, lovely souls! Today, I want to delve into a question I received from one of my viewers about Twin Flames and why they sometimes choose to separate. It's a profound question that might take us into some 'woo-woo' territory, but hang in there with me. The basic answer, before we dive into the details, is that on some cosmic level, you and the universe decided to play a game - a game of pretending to be apart from the Divine.

You see, the truth is, you can never truly be separate from the Creator. You're like actors on a grand stage, participating in the ultimate illusion of separation, similar to when you watch a scary movie and get caught up in the suspense even though you know it's not real. Life, my friends, is the ultimate illusion, but it's an illusion that feels incredibly real.

Imagine this: you and your twin flame are like two wings of a magnificent bird, forming a single, unified being. However, the illusion of separation creeps in through your thoughts and beliefs. Let's explore a few examples of these illusory thoughts, and remember, we're diving deep into the subconscious here:

  1. Unworthiness: Sometimes, you might feel unworthy, believing that you're not good enough to be with your ultimate lover, your twin flame. You might think you'll have to settle for a soul mate or someone who's just 'good enough.' But trust me, that's not your destiny. You are worthy of your ultimate love, your twin flame.

  2. Feeling Unlovable: Maybe you don't doubt your worthiness, but you question your lovability. You may think you're not a lovable person or that you missed your chance for love. These are just ego tricks, my friends. It's never too late to make new choices and choose your ultimate lover.

  3. Believing You're Unloving: Some of you might be caught in the belief that you're unloving or mean for setting boundaries. But boundaries are healthy, and saying 'no' when necessary is an act of self-love. You're not mean; you're respecting and honoring yourself.

  4. Seeing Your Twin Flame as Separate: Lastly, the most significant illusion of all is thinking your twin flame is separate from you. They're not! They are your divine mirror, reflecting aspects of yourself. If they seem like a jerk at times, remember, they're mirroring something within you that needs love and attention.

So, how do you break free from these illusions of separation? It's simple, really. The antidote is love. Start by loving yourself unconditionally. Imagine hugging yourself, being there for yourself, and giving yourself the love and care you deserve. It's not about changing your thoughts right away; it's about changing the way you relate to yourself.

Remember, just as you would comfort a scared child instead of telling them not to be afraid, you should shower yourself with love and compassion. And, if you're looking for guidance on this journey of self-discovery and reunion with your twin flame, I offer Twin Flame Ascension coaching groups that can help you navigate the path to oneness.

What to do next?

It’s important to keep choosing love, and healing, over fear and separation. You may struggle letting go of these thought patterns and coming closer to your Twin Flame, but I can help you! If you’re ready to transform your Love Life with your Twin Flame, book an introductory session with me!

If you'd like to begin right away, you can register for a private coaching group here.

Regardless of where you are on this Earthly journey, always remember: you are worthy of your ultimate love, your twin flame. Embrace the love within, and the universe will guide you to your destined reunion.

Until next time, my beautiful souls. . 🌟💖🔥


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