TF's and Astrology?

I used to work at a planetarium, sharing the wonders of the cosmos with eager audiences of all ages. It's there that I learned a thing or two about the night sky and how it can affect our lives.

But before we dive into how these celestial events can influence your Twin Flame Union, let's clear up a little something about the difference between astrology and astronomy. Astronomy is the scientific study of the cosmos—the stars, planets, and everything you see up there and beyond. It's a branch of physics, and it's all about the tangible, physical stuff. Astrology, on the other hand, is the spiritual component—the meanings and energies we assign to these cosmic events. Think of it as hardware and software. Some scientists scoff at astrology, but I've known many who straddle the worlds of physics and astrology with grace.

Now, let's talk about the juicy stuff—the cosmic events that sprinkle a little extra flavor into our lives. We've got the lunar cycle, Mercury retrogrades, the changing seasons of the Zodiac, and more. Each of these events can be like a unique weather pattern for your union.

For instance, Mercury retrograde is notorious for messing with communication, travel plans, and technology. You might notice more hiccups in these areas during this time. But remember, it's not the end of the world. It's just like forgetting your umbrella on a rainy day—you might get a little wet, but you won't melt away.

Then there's the enchanting full moon. We're about to have a Blue Moon Super Moon, the third of the summer. During a Super Moon, the moon appears about 7% larger in the night sky, adding a touch of magic to the world. And as we enter Virgo season, the energy around us might shift, just like how the weather can change from hot and sunny to cool or rainy.

Now, here's the important bit: How do these cosmic happenings affect your Twin Flame Union? Well, it's not about them; it's about you. You and your Twin Flame are one, remember? So, if these events affect you, they affect your Union. But just how do the planets affect you? The bottom line is, they have an effect, but how big is that effect? Answer: just as big as the weather here on Earth. If it rains, you will be effected because you’ll need to carry an umbrella and perhaps think twice about wearing the designer shoes out of the house. But these weather patterns don’t have to get you down or ruin your entire day/month/year/life.

Think of it this way: Just as the moon's gravitational pull impacts our tides, these cosmic events have a subtle effect on us. But they don't have command over your life—YOU do. You have command over your reality, and it's all about the choices you make from deep within your heart.

Now, a little clarification on "command." It's not about controlling things; it's about making decisions and setting intentions. You're essentially saying, "I desire this," like when you command your favorite pizza delivery. It's not you doing the cooking; it's you guiding the process.

And here's the real magic: You can shape-shift your reality by loving yourself in the places where you're hurting. That's what the Mirror Exercise is all about. It's not about doing things for your Twin Flame; it's about how you treat yourself, reflecting in your Union.

The planets and stars, they can't harm you. They don't have power over you. Your power comes from aligning with your divinity and making choices in harmony with your higher self and the Divine. It's about walking with God, choosing love in every moment.

So, as you journey through the cosmos of your Twin Flame Union, remember that these celestial events are like weather patterns. They may sprinkle a little rain on your parade, but you've got an umbrella of love, and you can gracefully dance through it all.

If you're curious about exploring this path further or need some guidance along the way, feel free to reach out to me for an Ascension coaching session. You can find me on the Ascension Coaches’ page at And if you'd like to join one of my intimate, supportive groups, click here.

Remember, I'm here to support you on your journey towards harmonious Twin Flame union. You've got this, and I'm rooting for you with all my heart. Much love, and keep shining! 💫🌟💖


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