Cause of Separation?

I recently received a thought-provoking question from one of our viewers about Twin Flames. They wanted to understand why Twin Flames, who are said to be created together, experience separation. It's a deep and intriguing inquiry that might take us on a bit of a "woo-woo" journey. But at its core, the answer to this question lies in the decision made by you and the universe to explore the sensation of being apart from the divine.

Let's dive deep into this concept. Firstly, it's crucial to realize that you cannot truly be separate from the Creator. You are not distinct from the source; rather, you are engaging in a collective consciousness act of make-believe. It's akin to pretending to be detached from God, even though true separation is impossible. It's an illusion, but it's an illusion you are fully immersed in, much like how you get scared during a horror movie, even though you know it's not real.

This process mirrors how the ego functions on a grand scale within the 3D reality on Earth. However, it's still an illusion. You and your Twin Flame are, in essence, one. You're like two wings of a single bird, forming a unified super-being. The reason you might not be in contact with your Twin Flame is because of the illusion of separation, which stems from certain thoughts or beliefs.

Here are some examples of these illusory thoughts, although they often reside in your subconscious rather than your conscious mind. You might feel unworthy or not good enough, believing that your ultimate love is a fairy tale and that you must settle for a soul mate or a partner you merely get along with. But this isn't your destiny – you are deserving of your ultimate love, your Twin Flame, here on Earth.

Another aspect of ego might make you feel unlovable. Perhaps you think you're good enough, but deep down, you doubt your lovability. You might even believe you've missed your chance or made unforgivable mistakes. These thoughts are rooted in ego and are simply not true. It's never too late to choose your ultimate lover, your Twin Flame. You can make this choice in your heart and let the divine guide you towards them in this lifetime.

You may also think you're unloving or mean. This often relates to past experiences where someone labeled you as such when, in fact, you were merely setting boundaries. Having boundaries is not being mean; it's an act of self-respect and self-love.

Lastly, you might perceive your Twin Flame as a separate and unpleasant individual. This is far from the truth. Your Twin Flame is your divine mirror, an extension of yourself. If they seem unpleasant, it's because they are reflecting something within you that needs attention and love.

The remedy for these illusions of fear is love, primarily self-love. Instead of trying to change your thinking immediately, start by identifying these misaligned thoughts and making new choices rooted in love. Love yourself unconditionally, just as you would a scared child. Embrace your own company, have fun with yourself, and provide yourself with the care and love you need.

In conclusion, the concept of separation between Twin Flames is an illusion born from ego-driven thoughts and beliefs. By choosing love and nurturing yourself, you can dissolve this illusion and reunite with your Twin Flame in divine harmony.

If you're interested in delving deeper into this topic and practicing techniques to heal and unite with your Twin Flame, consider joining one of my Twin Flame Ascension coaching groups. We have various time slots available to accommodate your schedule, and we conduct these sessions over Zoom, making them accessible worldwide. I will guide you perfectly through the mirror exercise, a powerful tool to overcome separation consciousness and embrace Oneness with your Twin Flame and the Creator, and how to have a lasting relationship with your Twin Flame forever through the Teachings of Union.


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