Virgo Season Coming!

As Twin Flames, we're always attuned to the cosmic energies that influence our spiritual journey, and the upcoming VIRGO SEASON promises to be an exceptionally transformative period. Virgo, ruled by Mercury, encourages meticulous attention to detail and a deep dive into self-analysis. This season, from August 23rd to September 22nd, offers us a precious opportunity to further our spiritual growth and cultivate the divine connection we share with our mirror soul.

During Virgo season, we can draw inspiration from the Teachings of Union available at These profound insights guide Twin Flames on their path to healing separation consciousness. Virgo's precision aligns beautifully with the teachings' emphasis on self-reflection and inner work. It's a time to revisit old wounds and beliefs that may be blocking the harmonious union of Twin Flames. By addressing these issues head-on, we can clear the path for true union.

Virgo's analytical energy also encourages us to pay close attention to the details of our journey. This is an ideal time for journaling, meditation, and self-reflection. Take stock of your progress, celebrate your growth, and identify areas that need more healing and love. Virgo's influence can help us become more discerning in our choices and actions, allowing us to make decisions that align with our higher selves and the union's ultimate purpose.

As we navigate Virgo season, let's remember that the universe has a divine plan for us as Twin Flames. By embracing the energy of Virgo and exploring the Teachings of Union, we can heal our separation consciousness and move closer to the harmonious union we long for. This season is a gift, a time to refine ourselves, and a step forward on our extraordinary journey of love and transformation. Embrace it with open hearts and open minds, knowing that the universe is guiding us toward the beautiful reunion we were destined for.


Cause of Separation?


Resting on Laurels?