Our Garden

As I stand in my backyard, gazing at the vibrant array of plants, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude. Josh has poured his heart into creating a garden that now flourishes with peppers, broccoli, and the promise of small tomatoes. And then there's our magnificent basil plant, a symbol of resilience and continuous growth. But this garden isn't just about vegetables and herbs – it's a metaphor for the journey towards Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

Twice a day, Josh carefully waters our plants, not merely going through the motions, but truly attending to their needs. Just as he does for our garden, we tend to our inner work with unwavering dedication. 

It's not just about providing the basics; it's about understanding what each plant requires and providing the right care. Likewise, when I do my inner work, I need different things at different times. Sometimes I am in the middle of a block that requires unwavering attention and doing the inner work  for a long period of time. Other times, I’m in a period of integration. 

Josh has even built a protective border around the plants, shielding them from any potential harm. This reminds me of the importance of setting healthy boundaries in our lives, creating a space where love can thrive, and ego is kept at bay. Just like the vermin that could potentially harm our plants, ego can hinder our growth on the Twin Flame journey. Boundaries and self-care are vital tools in cultivating a thriving, loving connection.

Josh's vigilance extends to even the smallest details. He recently spotted a couple of fat caterpillars that had been feasting on the leaves of our pepper plant. Without hesitation, he removed them, ensuring our plant's well-being. This diligence mirrors the need to address and heal any thought or belief in separation that might impede our journey. Just as those caterpillars were consuming our plant's leaves;  unresolved issues can consume our emotional energy, leaving little room for growth.

This garden has become a mirror for our journey as Twin Flames. We've come to understand that it's not enough to simply plant a seed and expect it to flourish miraculously. Just as we've put in the effort to nourish our garden, we've learned that we must also invest in ourselves. The same way our plants won't thrive without regular care, our connection won't grow without consistent attention.

This is why we are so grateful for all that Jeff and Shaleia have provided through Twin Flames Universe. From being able to tend to the garden of my heart through regular practice of the Mirror Exercise to getting all my next steps on my journey with Twin Flame Ascension School, to having everything we need to heal our relationship with food in Divine Dish, to healing play with Divine Gaming, all parts of our lives are covered by places where we can cultivate ourselves forever.  And just as our garden offers a bountiful harvest, so too does this journey promise the fruits of a deeper, more profound love – and I can rest assured that our Harmonious Twin Flame Union is guaranteed, and that we will continue to bear fruit.


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