My new pens!

The Mirror Exercise has been a cornerstone of my personal growth journey.

One day, as I gathered my journal and pens for my mirror exercise session, a thought crossed my mind: "What if I use different colors for different steps of the Mirror Exercise?" It seemed like a simple idea, but little did I know that it would open the door to a world of transformation and empowerment.

For Step 2 The pink pen felt like the perfect choice—a symbol of self-love and tenderness. As I began writing, I immediately noticed how the act of putting pen to paper in a different color engaged my mind in a new way.

Over time, I've noticed that my handwriting has deteriorated, likely due to the prevalence of typing in our digital age. But even though my script might not be as graceful as it once was, it remains legible and uniquely mine. This discovery taught me an important lesson: imperfections don't diminish the value of our efforts; they make them authentic and genuine.

When I write Step 2 sometimes I read it back to myself several times, as this shifts my mind from protection back to myself, and that feels really empowering. With each repetition, my mindset shifts from a stance of self-protection to one of self-nurturing.

In their book, Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, Jeff and Shaleia shared a technique that resonated deeply with me. They wrote, "Magic happened every time I wrote it down in Step One, then wrote it again in Step Two when I flipped the words around to point to myself." This statement encapsulated the transformation I was experiencing too. The act of flipping the words around felt symbolic of turning my focus inward, towards self-discovery and acceptance.

Writing with colored pens is a tactile experience that grounds me in the present moment. It's a deliberate act that demands my full attention and devotion.

Committing to learning to master the Mirror Exercise by writing the words down has become a sacred ritual of self-love and empowerment.

So, if you're seeking a way to infuse your personal growth journey with a touch of magic, consider picking up some colored pens, fun journals, or anything to make it yours. You'll be taking a step towards honoring yourself, embracing your uniqueness, and fostering deep healing from within. 🙌 ✍️✍️✍️


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