
Q: Is talking with friends helpful on your Twin Flame journey?

In the past, whenever I hung out with friends, we would sit and gab about our problems, especially guy problems. Part of it felt good, it seemed like we were bonding and feeling the relief of validation. However, I began to notice: nothing was changing in my life, and in fact, my guy problems seemed to be getting worse.

Before I knew Josh was my Twin, I remember talking to a friend about what was going on. I remember feeling odd when she called my Twin Flame names and suggested I leave him. Something felt really bad about that. I stopped hanging out with her after that because, even without knowing the Teachings of Union at the time, it felt off in my heart.

I grew tired of connecting just on the basis of complaining about my life, and I craved a community who supported what I truly desired - harmony with my Ultimate Lover.

I now know that in fact, since my Twin Flame is me, literally one with me, that as I was gabbing about him, I was really talking about myself. Most of the world isn't aware of their Twin Flame journey and so can't really support you.

--> So what can support you?

The Teachings of Union and the Twin Flames Universe community that surrounds Twin Flame Ascension School can and will support you. Not finding others to commiserate with - that's not what this community is about. This community is also not about encouraging codepenedent relationships with others. This community is here to support you to turn to what will *actually* help you: the Mirror Exercise and Twin Flame Ascension School.

My friends here in the community who had my Union's best interest at heart and loved God always encouraged me to turn to the Mirror Exercise and Jeff and Shaleia's work. They did not enter into a codependent relationship with me in which I was depending on them for support; they encouraged me to empower myself with these tools that work.

I see some people come to this group to try to find others to commiserate with or be codependent with. Those who do that don't get far with their Twin Flame. But I see so many others who encourage each other to never give up and to keep practicing the Teachings of Union, to keep going deeper in relationship with Jeff and Shaleia's work. Their work works, and the most loving thing you can do for someone is encourage them towards it.

If you're ready to try something new and HEAL your Union, start with the Teachings of Union. You can learn more here:


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