Past Life?

have illumined a deep pattern of persecution within my subconscious. The pattern is about judging my intuition, feelings and power as invalid, and deserving of punishment. This is the Salem witch trial energy, believing that my Divine power should be stomped down and persecuted. This reflects back to me through what my subconscious has called in, a self-fulfilling prophecy which reinforces the ego lie.

REMEMBER: what you are experiencing is a reflection of you, what you believe deep down. The Mirror Exercise is the way to go to your core and heal this, not by trying to manipulate the outer world - that just shifts things around instead of healing it. Choose healing, choose love. Trust that it works, trust that you will received the support you need when you call it in.

These past few days I felt my feelings and asked them what they needed. Just compassion and love. More love. Love again. Love. I am giving that to myself, and each time a feeling of fear, or an intrusive traumatic abuse thought comes, I quickly go to that part of myself and love it, even when the ego protests with "this is too hard, impossible!" Nothing is impossible for Love, it is the only thing that is real!

I allowed myself to lie down most of yesterday and let it upheave this illusory consciousness out of my being. It is safe to feel my feelings, even if they feel icky as they leave, better out than in! It does feel better to let go, surrender, and let them process out, and even though more layers are coming out, I don't try to fix or block the process, nor am I afraid of it.

No more accepting the false belief that I should be persecuted for being myself, standing in my power. I am powerful through God, I am God's Divine child, worthy of Love, abundance, and powerful in my gifts of manifestation, gifts I have through God. I am adored, admired, respected, cherished and honored. I am worthy to be proud of my power and true self, and worthy of love just as I am, as God created me with hands of loving might.


Safe To Love


Perfection vs Perfectionism