Perfection vs Perfectionism

"You may not be able to see the perfection in everything yet, and that's a process of cleansing your awareness. That's why we teach you the Mirror Exercise, so you can cleanse your consciousness, so that you can see rightly. When you start to see rightly, you will see what we are showing you right now that everything is perfect, it's always perfect. It's always love coming together, coming into higher order, expanding, and this is what we mean by: you've never left the Kingdom of Heaven, the separation never occurred, and you're not separate from your Twin Flame."

Jeff and Shaleia, Twin Flame Ascension School Sermon 48: "The Cycles of Love."

Some of you have tried the Mirror Exercise and have been frustrated that your Twin Flame isn’t showing up on your doorstep after two or three times through the M.E. That’s because the Mirror Exercise isn’t just a spell you cast once and your whole life snaps into place. But at the same time, each and every Mirror Exercise heals you completely, all the way to Harmonious Twin Flame Union. Let me explain:

The Mirror Exercise is a spiritual martial art, a practice, something that you master over time. Layer by layer, step by step, you heal your consciousness within. With each Mirror Exercise you complete, you heal to complete and perfect union with your Divine Self, including your Twin Flame within at that specific level of your consciousness. There are many layers of your consciousness, but that particular layer, when you feel the relief after step 4, is healed permanently and completely. Brick by brick, layer by layer.

The things that have bothered you - even longstanding patterns - are completely healed with consistent and persistent effort with the Mirror Exercise.

Don’t underestimate this journey. The Twin Flame Journey isn’t just a glorified soulmate relationship. Your Twin Flame Union follows a different set of rules to regular relationships. Arm yourself with the right tools and support and then everything will become clear. When everything is clear to you, Divine Being, you will navigate this journey with confidence and faith.

The right tools and support are:

  1. Twin Flame Ascension School for crucial insights and spiritual downloads

  2. Regular Ascension Coaching

  3. Regular practice of the Mirror Exercise - writing it out is a must

If you put these three things into place over time, you absolutely will have your Twin Flame by your side in the phsycial. It’s a function of your willingness to change and a willingess to heal.


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