Safe To Love

It is safe to love your Twin Flame. I've heard some false spiritual teachers who teach just focusing on yourself in such a manner that advises against loving your Twin, or ignoring them so they are more interested in you. This is a form of separation consciousness and control. Healing codependency doesn't mean stop loving your Twin Flame with all your heart. It means giving yourself all the love you need in your own heart and from that place you can love another. Choose to go ALL IN in loving, loving yourself, loving your Twin Flame.

I can't say enough how much *Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover *by Jeff and Shaleia has helped me dissolve separation consciousness and changed my life, permanently. Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book:

Choosing Radical Compassion for yourself, your Twin Flame, and others in the word is absolutely essential to vibrating to Harmonious Union Consciousness.
The Mirror Exercise is designed for you to **fall in love with your true, authentic self, **which automatically magnetizes your Twin Flame to you, and deepens your Harmonious Union once you achieve that.
Twin Flames are about having someone you can absolutely align your life with in every aspect because that's your natural design.
Harmonious Union can only grow and bloom in the pristine soil of unconditional love.
The purpose of Harmonious Twin Flame Union (HTFU) is to live a God-centered life. This doesn't mean split yourself off from society and pray all the time, it means living in harmony and communion with God with your Twin Flame as One. It means you and your Twin Flame work together to root out the remaining upsets from your One consciousness.

**Do you choose to see your oneness and go all in on loving yourself and your Twin Flame with all your heart? **

(The book is available on Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and Audiobook.)


Raw, Authenticity


Past Life?