Afraid of Union?

Don't be afraid of your Harmonious Union! There are no ends to True stories, to love. Find the part of you deep down that believes in finish lines and death and surrender that false belief for the truth. "Roll the credits" is not how the Universe works. When you do the inner work, it is to bring more love in, expanding it, not to attain a finite end. God does not give you something and then says "Welp, that's a wrap, folks!" God is always giving. Do you choose to expand and receive as God continues to give? Do you choose to take the hand of your Creator and keep walking into greater and greater heights?

Jeff and Shaleia's Twin Flame Ascension School classes. They never finish, never end as you watch each one and read their book and even their YouTube videos over again. There is always something more to learn, to ground in or reinforce in your vibration. You always receive the next step EVEN AFTER Harmonious Union! Do not fear that you are going to be led Home and dropped off there without guidance. Jeff and Shaleia are always giving through what they have given and supporting the eternal and growing nature of who you are.

I've had so many breakthroughs in my union recently from watching their classes. I'm healing the part of me that used to believe in death, completions and endings. The mere fact that I receive every single time i watch a class is proof enough to me that what they say is true, that their work is Divine, and that i will always be a learner. I desire to share all I'm experiencing of this with you!

You can find Twin Flame Ascension School here:


The Chinese Dress


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