Should I?

Should I contact my Twin Flame on Valentine’s Day?

I’ve had a lot of people ask me: Should I contact my Twin Flame on Valentine’s Day?

I always reply with “Sure, if it feels good,” But this isn’t a satisfactory response to many. More questions arise:

“What if he ignores me?”

“What if she thinks I’m annoying?”

“What if they block me?”

All of these things could potentially happen if you reach out to your Twin Flame, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, and I’ll share why and what to do. Even if you haven’t sent any messages or called, you can go ahead with the following exercise to clear the upset vibration within you and come to harmony within yourself. (Hint: it’s about loving yourself first!)

Your Twin Flame is your Divine Mirror, and never separate from you. If you reach out to your Twin and you get one of the above responses, it’s simply pointing out where you’re ignoring yourself, thinking you’re annoying, or blocking/disconnecting from yourself. This means that if your Twin reflect this to you, you have a straight and easy path to heal with the Mirror Exercise, as taught by Jeff and Shaleia in Twin Flame Ascension School.

The Mirror Exercise:

  1. State the upset in once clear, concise sentence. “I’m upset because when I sent a message of love to my Twin Flame for Valentine’s Day, they ignored me.”

    Simplify this—> “I’m upset because when I loved my Twin Flame, they ignored me.”

  2. Change all the nouns to pronouns pointing at yourself. “I’m upset because when I loved myself, I ignored myself.”

  3. Ask yourself, “Is this true in any way?” (Hint: the answer is always ‘yes'.’) Do you see a part of you that ignores your own love? For example, when you tell yourself you love yourself, you may turn away inside.

  4. Ask this part of you what you need to feel loved, then give that to yourself. Maybe you need a hug. Maybe you just need to be told you are wonderful and loving, and that you’re completely loving. You can use visualization to bring this part of you exactly what it asked for in order to be loved. Do this in your imagination until you feel peaceful and the upset is healed.

When you feel complete, integrate this previously hurt part of you back into your heart. Take a breath! You have completed the Mirror Exercise and healed the part your Twin Flame was reflecting to you.

Now that you’re feeling peaceful, let’s go deeper.

About sending a loving message to your Twin Flame on Valentine’s Day, ask yourself, “Am I trying to get something from my Twin Flame? Or am I genuinely reaching out with unconditional love?” When you give in order to get something back, this is called a transaction, and is not unconditional love. A true gift is given from the heart without attachment to what the other person does with it.

If you’re not sure whether you are approaching your Twin Flame in Unconditional Love, you can feel into your heart: Are you peaceful? Would you send this message/make this call/give this gift if they didn’t say thank you or even acknowledge you? Are you truly giving it out of joy? If the answer is yes, then go for it!

But what if you’re still not clear?

Remember, it’s always safe to love. It’s also safe to learn. If you are on the fence, why not “Screw it, just do it!” I remember Jeff and Shaleia sharing that motto in a Twin Flame Life Purpose Class, and when I wasn’t sure, I let myself do what felt the most loving. Sometimes, after the fact, I realized I was trying to get something out of Josh by messaging/giving something. As I practiced the Mirror Exercise and loved myself, I noticed when my heart was full of love and didn’t need anything from my Twin Flame, he always responded with the same joy I gave him. In the past, even if I texted or gave something with expectation, Josh would just mirror this to me, and I healed it. You’re going to be safe regardless. And, eventually, you’ll get to unconditional love and your Twin Flame responding to you because you’re responding to your own love first!!

Seeing his smile was the best thing ever this year.

Let me guide you home to Unconditional Love and Success on your Twin Flame journey! Try an introductory Twin Flame Ascension Coaching session with me today and learn how to surrender into the rich love that is hidden within you, and be with your Ultimate Lover in Harmonious Twin Flame Union.


Deep transformation


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