Write it out!


My Mirror Exercise journal

I go through about one journal every 2-3 months.


I do the Mirror Exercise every time I am upset, when I first started, for the first year or so I wrote every Mirror Exercise out. Now as well, and especially if I'm not clear what my upset is or am facing resistance, I go to paper. Jeff and Shaleia share in their book, Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover:

It is important you have a journal or notepad specifically to write down the Mirror Exercise while you are in the process of mastering it.

You will need to write the Mirror Exercise down as you do it. My spiritual teacher stressed this so many times and she was right. Magic happened every time I wrote down Step One, then wrote it down again in Step Two when I flipped the words around to point to myself. This is the best way to learn and commit to this as your new spiritual practice to bring you your Permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

Eventually, you will be mastered enough to do it in your head anywhere you go, but you can't get there until you become comfortable with the process by writing it down first.

Do not be fooled or overly ambitious into thinking that you can immediately jump into mastery, because you must be patient and work to master the basic process first. Mastering this process means you have the correct inner foundation upon which to stand and move forward to your goal properly.

"You can only achieve Harmonious Twin Flame Union if you have a high willingness to learn and a high willingness to change."


Should I?


Don't Listen To Ego!