Don't Listen To Ego!

Don’t listen to ego!

Don't listen to ugly fish ego. Ego is like a disgusting fish in the mud at the bottom of the lake. Ego will tell you over and over in its loud, droning voice, "YOU CAN'T HAVE THAT." It will try to convince you that you can't have your True Twin Flame, your perfect Heaven on Earth, that you will need to settle, compromise or put up with bad deals. Maybe you've been putting up with ego for a long time: settling for a soulmate who doesn't match your love list because you think you can't have it all. Settling for a mediocre job that takes from you more than you are actually paid... but this settling is evil. The truth is you CAN have it all. It's normal for you to have it all.

I listened to the ugly fish for most of my life. In the area of Twin Flames, I didn't believe I could have it all, my perfect partner who matched all of my Love List, who loved me for who I am, who was authentic, vulnerable, emotionally available, and who desired to serve Humanity with me. "You can't have that" said the fish. I chose to settle with partners who abused me ignored me, and treated me in the way I believed I should be treated: just like that ugly fish that I was listening to. I felt trapped in this prison of hell. That is, until I learned there was a way out.

By going deeper with loving myself and using the Mirror Exercise, watching Twin Flame Ascension School and receiving coaching, I've been making new choices and saying "no" to this ugly fish voice and not accepting a crumb of a bad deal at all. I chose to claim in my heart that yes, I can have my Harmonious Twin Flame Union, and you can too! "You're supposed to have everything. You're supposed to have ALL the things. Make no compromises." - Jeff and Shaleia

Become a spiritual revolutionary: resist this "you can't have that" nonsense, and claim your Heaven on Earth! Don't let this disgusting ugly fish convince you that you can't have your true Twin Flame. You can. It's easy and there is a clear path if you are ready to let go of this ugly voice. Join Twin Flame Ascension School, book Twin Flame Coaching with me, and do the Mirror Exercise. This is the way!


Write it out!


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