DM Channeled Message

“All I want for Christmas, is you!” Your Twin Flame has a sweet and loving message to send you this holiday season in this receive this abundantly powerful reading. Give yourself this wonderful gift of guidance and clarity on your Twin Flame journey!

In this reading, I’ll pull cards for what your Twin Flame Union is working on now, and you’ll receive channeled guidance to move through it based on Jeff and Shaleia's Teachings of Union. Benefit from this holiday period fully to your benefit and call in your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

This is a seasonal reading only available during the month of December. If you order before December 24, you will receive this reading on Christmas Day!

Readings should arrive to the email you used at checkout within ten business days. Please check spam if you have not received your reading after ten business days, or reach out to me directly:

Leesie Mappes

I help Twin Flames out of separation and into Harmonious Union permanently.

Merry Christmas!


3rd party?