3rd party?

I wanted to have a heart-to-heart chat with you today about a topic that might be resonating deep within your being – the complexities of Twin Flame relationships and the tricky territory of third-party situations, or as some call it, the karmic dance.

You see, the cosmic design brought you and your twin flame together as two halves of the same whole, sharing a soul blueprint destined for eternal connection. But, as fate would have it, sometimes the union takes a detour into the realms of third parties or karmic entanglements. It's a puzzling scenario, right? Why would the universe guide your union to a place where it seemingly chose to settle with someone not designed for the eternal dance with you through time and space?

Your twin flame, the one crafted to be your perfect partner, best friend, ultimate lover, and teacher, might find themselves entangled in a situation that goes against the very essence of your union. And here you are, left wondering why.

Let me share a little secret with you. Your twin flame is like finding the jackpot of all relationships. They check all the boxes of what an ideal partner should be. But here's the catch – there are challenges, childhood traumas, and wounds that might cloud your vision, preventing you from fully realizing this about them. It's a journey, and it's not always an easy one.

I've walked this path myself, and I'm currently living with my twin flame after embracing the teachings of twin flame Ascension school. The breakthroughs on this journey are profound, even for those who have navigated through third-party situations.

Let me tell you a story to illustrate this. Imagine your twin flame as the ultimate lover, the gold in your backyard. Yet, there's this tendency to stay committed to a situation, even if it's like searching through couch cushions for coins when you've struck gold in your backyard. You committed to the search, and now you're hesitant to let go.

Choosing anyone but your twin flame is like turning down the chest of gold for a handful of coins. It's about honoring the commitment to the situation rather than embracing the true treasure that awaits. But remember, the third party involved is not just a couch; they too have their own twin flame journey.

As you embark on this inner work, a transformation takes place. You might even realize that your spouse or current partner is your true twin flame. It's not about wrecking homes; it's a journey of self-love and consciousness purification.

This journey involves looking within, acknowledging triggers, and understanding the mirroring effect your twin flame provides. It's not about blaming yourself for their issues but taking responsibility for your feelings to find peace and truth.

And here's where I come in to guide you through. I've got some special deals for you – whether you want to try group coaching for tremendous growth or opt for personal private coaching with a 50% off deal on your first session here: https://www.twinflamesheartsdesire.com/private-coaching

Leesie Mappes

I help Twin Flames out of separation and into Harmonious Union permanently.


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Recognizing them