Recognizing them

Recognizing your Twin Flame goes beyond happenstance. It’s not just a random pursuit. It's a conscious acknowledgment of the divine plan that weaves two souls together in perfect harmony.

The journey of recognizing your Twin Flame is a testament to the intricate design of the universe. Each step, from understanding the soul blueprint to embracing divine perfection, leads to the realization that you and your Twin Flame are not separate entities but intricately connected on a spiritual level.

Jeff and Shaleia write in their book, Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, which you can find at,

“If you have made it this far in your journey, you have proven that you are committed to perfecting the spiritual process of attracting your Perfect Partner. With perseverance and strength you can, and you most certainly will meet your Twin Flame and have Harmonious Union. You have proven that you are ready to take the first step in achieving your Ultimate Lover experience. Each chapter of this book is a guidepost for you that will bring you one step closer to understanding and experiencing your Perfect Divine Union with your Ultimate Lover.”

The yearning for a love that transcends earthly norms is the call of the soul, guiding individuals toward the profound experience of Twin Flame Union.

What to do next?

It’s important to keep choosing love, and healing, over fear and separation. You may struggle letting go of these thought patterns and coming closer to your Twin Flame, but I can help you! If you’re ready to transform your Love Life with your Twin Flame, book an introductory session with me!

If you'd like to begin right away, you can register for a private coaching group here.

I have a special deal where you can get 50% off your first 60-min Ascension Coaching session with me.  All you need to do is sign up for the Free Twin Flame Ascension Introductory Course with Twin Flames Universe. If you've already done this, even better!

Once you receive your first lesson via email, you can then book your introductory session with me, with the 50% discount already applied

Wishing you much love and many blessings!


Leesie Mappes

I help Twin Flames out of separation and into Harmonious Union permanently.

3rd party?


You just know.