When I saw this video on YouTube it made me cry tears of joy for the feeling of transformation i recognized. The way this man transformed in short time is exactly how I felt and what i went through during my healing process with Twin Flame Ascension School.
Instead of weight, I started shedding illusions and healing separation consciousness. That moment when Vance said "now we're moving in the right direction" is just like the first time I felt results with the Mirror Exercise. When I got on stage in Toronto and attained Harmonious Union with Josh that was the happiest day of my life, and I felt like what Vance felt on stage. It didn't take me long, it was just a decision to heal and persistence. That's it. Vance will continue to keep in shape - his journey didn't stop and neither did mine. Now Vance is a testament to the work... Just as I am. I love sharing this with you.
Visit to enroll in the school that changed my life and can change yours. Miracles can and will happen for you if you just work the process!!