On Ascension Symptoms
You may have heard the childhood fable about a princess whose skin was so fair and sensitive that she could sense a pea beneath a pile of mattresses. Her nobility was tested based on how sensitive she is.
Being sensitive is a good thing! You will notice on this journey that as you heal, you will become less tolerant of things that are not worthy of your Divine Energy. Here’s some things you will notice shifting on your Twin Flame journey.
Food and Health. You may notice that if you begin the inner work that Jeff and Shaleia teach in Twin Flame Ascension School (TwinFlamesUniverse.com) that things you used to “love” become items of the past. You may have drank a lot of beer, smoked cigarettes, binged on chips or chocolate, and now, you just don’t. I used to smoke cigarettes on occasion before joining the school. Not too much, maybe one per day, tops. I enjoyed blowing off steam and relaxing. About two months into the school and doing inner work, I noticed that I hadn’t bought a new pack and couldn’t recall the last time I smoked. I was also getting more sleep (prior to joining, my Twin Flame journey was a LOT of sleepless nights.) I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t even intend to quit. It just no longer was part of my vibration, and just fell away.
Your Environment. You will become less tolerant of mess and clutter. As you clear your mind using the Mirror Exercise, the numbness you had towards your environment will dissipate and you’ll be left with an acute sense of where things belong, and how a room makes you feel. My good friend May, who owns an interior design business, said that your environment is a reflection of you. If your inside is ‘clear’ so will your external, and it will be intolerable to be in a messy place. I remember noticing which clothing were ‘for me’ and which I picked because they were just trendy. It was incredibly easy for me to do a ‘Marie Kondo’ and toss the stuff or donate it. I’m going deeper here too as I deepen in this inner work, and become more sensitive of what God desires for me, about ever 2 months I disencumber myself of unnecessary clutter.
People. You will become attuned to the energy of people that are not choosing to give themselves love and source it on the outside. It will become less tolerable to spend time with them. I had a friend who was always switching our plans around or always late to our plans. She once had me waiting in total darkness outside her home at our agreed-upon meeting time while she was grabbing tacos for herself. I used to put up with this behavior, but as I started healing and claiming myself and my Divinity, this type of treatment became inexcusable.
There will also be others who use you to dump their emotions on, going on and on about their troubles instead of giving themselves love. You can teach them to give themselves love, teach them the mirror exercise and decide what you would like for your relationship to be like. Perhaps you prefer to redirect it to a more constructive relationship, based on mutual learning and exploration. I healed my relationship with my family this way, and now, we’re great!
But, sometimes, when you vibe up, your old relationships don’t follow you. Of course, you must always give the opportunity for someone to make a new choice, and this could be an extremely beneficial moment for them, but at the end of the day, if you feel you’ve given your all, that you loved completely and the new choice was not made, it’s safe for you to put up boundaries and be control of what you allow into your experience.
God guarantees that you aren’t meant to be on this Life Journey alone - if you allow the old things that don’t serve you to fall away, this makes room for the new, better things that are FOR you! So, go ahead: be the princess (or prince) and the pea and choose to let go of your numbness that cost you so much, and choose your Divine Life Experience now.