TF Journal

Do you have a special journal or pens you use for the Mirror Exercise?

I got this new beautiful Mirror Exercise journal today after I completed my last journal. I still write many of my Mirror Exercises out even after years of practice. Why? It helps me ground and get clear in my mind and heart. Writing helps me to be more present and untangle the threads of each upset. Ever since Jeff and Shaleia have shared how important it is to write out in order to master it, I listened to them and did exactly that. It's from writing it out over and over again that I began to have some mastery over it, and still, I humbly recognize how it is still a beloved support to turn to pen and paper to write out my Mirror Exercises.

“Doing the Mirror Exercise does get easier and easier with time. It is important you have a journal or notepad specifically to write down the Mirror Exercise while you are in the process of mastering it. We highly suggest this until you master the basics of the Mirror Exercise and release any and all resistance to doing this spiritual exercise. As you release resistance to doing the Mirror Exercise and become highly proficient in the basic steps, you will begin to learn how to do the Mirror Exercise automatically in your consciousness as upsets arise. As you reach this step, you may have to take time out to be alone and Mirror Exercise within yourself your upset(s), but as you become even more masterful, the “end-goal” is being able to Mirror Exercise your upsets and heal them fluidly, even as you are in the throes of experiencing an upset.”

-Jeff and Shaleia Divine, Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, ch 5

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