Fear and Control

No problem is ever resolved through fear and control. We often believe that by controlling a situation, we can shield ourselves from apparent hardships and ensure a smooth journey. But clinging too tightly to the illusion of control can lead to frustration, stress, and anxiety.

Why do we control? The root of control is: fear. When we are afraid, we cling and try to grip on. I experienced this in the form of ruminating, of replaying a scenario in my mind on repeat. I would “try to figure out” just exactly how to do something, or exactly what to say to my Twin Flame, or to other people so that I could avoid something else. This is based in fear. (Hint: if you catch yourself saying “I am trying to figure out” you are likely in a state of fear and control.)

There is another way.

That way is through going to the root of the fear and bringing love and reassurance there.

You do this through the Mirror Exercise, and you can especially learn how to do this by what Jeff and Shaleia teach in Twin Flame Ascension School. Maybe your mind is clinging on to a control pattern, but watching Twin Flame Ascension School will gently ease your grip because you’ll be loved and reassured in every place where you are afraid. That is the power of what Jeff and Shaleia teach. Experience this for yourself!

While control is an illusion, this doesn’t mean we don’t have power. We do possess command over our choices, especially our choice to love, or to choose fear and illusion.

What if you choose love, and it looks like the external is not changing, or your Twin Flame is not coming closer immediately? Jeff and Shaleia teach us that all we need to do is our best, and that’s enough. We can’t do more than our best. Knowing you’re doing your best is powerful, and you can surrender there. When we know we've done all we can, we gain a sense of accomplishment and self-assurance that can help us face uncertainties with greater resilience. Then, you let go of the rest, let go of the story and turn that over to God.

Do your best, and then surrender, letting God do his work. (I say God, but you could say Universe, Spirit, him/her. etc.)

Surrender should not be mistaken for defeat or giving up. Instead, it is about releasing the grip of control when it is no longer serving us. Surrender allows us to free ourselves from unnecessary stress and worry, creating space for peace and contentment. Surrender means: surrender to love.

You can learn how at Twin Flame Ascension School. Due to EXTREMELY popular demand, Twin Flames Universe's End of an Era Sale is BACK for 7 more days!!! From now until July 24th all TFU prices have DROPPED again for the ultimate opportunity to secure your Harmonious Union with our transformative, cutting edge Teachings of Union.

If you or someone you know hasn't yet invested in a TFU product, now is the time to do so at these EXTREMELY low rates! You will absolutely thank yourself for it. ❤️‍🔥 https://www.twinflamesuniverse.com


Bearing Fruit


End of an Era II