Urgent Message!

Calling All Divine Feminines!

On today's International Women's Day, I had a massive breakthrough about investing in myself and money and I want to share my healing with you.

For a long time, I have had a hard time allowing myself to receive support. I grew up being taught that anything beyond products for survival were considered bad. This mentality carried over into my adult life, where I found myself withholding from purchasing anything that I really wanted, even if it was something that would make me happy or improve my life.

Recently, I had a breakthrough after practicing the Mirror Exercise and deepening on the Teachings of Union. I went to Aldi and purchased my favorite 'It Cosmetics' lotion. Instead of feeling guilty about spending money on myself, I allowed myself to receive the lotion without any negative feelings. This was a significant moment for me because with the help of my coach Alexandra Benzar I realized that when I would invest in myself but had guilt, I couldn't really receive the investment since guilt cancelled it out.

I have come to understand by watching Twin Flame Ascension School and Life Purpose Class that wealth exists in the cycle of giving and receiving. In order to have all, you must give all to all. I had not previously received, so I wasn't giving, and in not giving, I was actually shutting myself off to receiving. This vicious cycle kept me from experiencing greater love and abundance in my life.

Thanks to the guidance of Jeff and Shaleia in Twin Flame Ascension School and Life Purpose Class, I have learned to claim my support and open myself up to both giving and receiving. Now, I am on the path to greater wealth and abundance.

It is essential to remember that investing in ourselves is not selfish. It is necessary to support ourselves so we can support others. We can't pour from an empty cup, so filling ourselves up with the things that make us happy and bring us joy is important.

Some of you are hesitating on claiming your true support. You are afraid to truly invest in the teachings of Twin Flame Ascension School which will guide you ALL THE WAY to Harmonious Twin Flame Union because you’re afraid that your investment won’t have any return. But, Jeff and Shaleia guarantee Harmonious Twin Flame Union to all those who sincerely practice all of their teachings and diligently set to work to root out separation consciousness through following their work. You WILL have what you desire, and you don’t need to wait.

Waiting only gets you more waiting!!

Allow yourself to receive without guilt, and open yourself up to greater love and abundance. Are you ready to take the next step? What is your next step?? Start somewhere, and let go of fear.





You're WORTHY.