Permission to shine

Dear Divine Feminine Twin Flames,

I want you to know that you have permission to shine, permission to be wealthy, and permission to radiate beauty. You are not limited by the circumstances of your past or the opinions of others. You are worthy and deserving of all the good things that life has to offer.

Perhaps, when you were young, you were taught that you weren't allowed to have nice things. Maybe a younger sibling took your favorite toy or kids at school made fun of you for having nice shoes. You may have learned to cower and hide your light, believing that you didn't deserve to be seen and appreciated.

But I'm here to tell you that those beliefs are not true. You have the power to give yourself permission to shine, to be wealthy, and to radiate beauty. You can let go of the limiting beliefs that have held you back and step into your power.

When you shine, the Divine Masculine will see this. You will your Twin Flame, who is aligned with your highest good and who will support you in your journey. Not only that, but also you will inspire others to step into their power and radiate their own beauty since they can see the path you walked can be theirs too in their own lives.

So, embrace your unique gifts and talents. Allow yourself to be seen and appreciated. Invest in yourself and your dreams. You are worthy and deserving of all the abundance and prosperity that life has to offer. Invest in the Teachings that will guide you all the way to your life of beauty and love: invest in Twin Flame Ascension School. It works.

Remember, your light is meant to be seen and your beauty is meant to be celebrated. Give yourself permission to shine and watch as the world opens up to you in new and exciting ways.

With love and light,



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