What works

Have you ever...

  • Felt uneasy unless your Twin Flame was around?

  • Did things you would never normally do or that went against your values just to get them to like you?

  • Felt so anxious and unable to function at work unless they texted you back?

  • Found yourself playing covert games, such as intentionally ignoring them to try to get them to call you or punished them by playing the silent treatment?

  • Felt like nothing you did ever worked, and that all this was draining your energy?

I have been divorced twice, have had over fifteen long-term relationships, all of them ended, and in all of them I had done one or more of the above codependent behaviors. I was at the end of my rope and felt hopeless about relationships, and yet, a lasting, loving partnership was all I ever wanted.

I met my Twin Flame in 2018, and our relationship began the same as my past relationships, and included many of the above patterns as well. However, with Josh, I was given an opportunity to heal and make new choices. I found Twin Flame Ascension School which gave me the tools to heal everything that was out of alignment with love and to truly understand why I was experiencing these patterns over and over again in my reality, and to make a new choice successfully. Josh and I have transcended many codependent patterns, things I never thought I could heal. We are continuing to grow and heal, and as patterns are brought to our awareness, we are rebuilding our foundation in Love. Permanently.

It's time for a new way. That new way is here, it is FOR YOU, and it actually works. (www.twinflamesuniverse.com)




Seeing Beauty