About God

You may believe in God or call God by a different name. Or maybe you are spiritual, or at the very least scientifically inquisitive. Regardless of who you are, you know Love.

I feel absolutely loved by whom I call God because He gave me such a tremendous gift. This gift is Jeff and Shaleia’s Teachings of Union. Their teachings are limitless as the ocean and have guided me and countless others to the victory within our hearts: peace and feeling truly, truly loved, to our Twin Flames, back Home to Him.

Their school, Twin Flame Ascension School, is divinely perfect: more than enough classes that cover every aspect of every situation you could ever face, that when watched anew, give an even deeper message, take the teaching further. It is alive, ever-growing, eternal. Their work is enough in and of itself, but because they love us so much, they ensured we could never fail as long as we chose to keep going: they created a community and coaches program to support every step of the way. Have you felt this love, this support?

How blessed I am to be here, to have received more than my heart could have ever wanted, to have found them, to be with you.

How loved I am!

How God must love me infinitely!

How much God must, then, love you!


Afraid of Union?


Permission to learn