Heal Separation

Four years ago, I was a total over-giving and people-pleasing MESS…

I would call or text my Twin Flame repeatedly, and ignore red flags from him and others, jumping on any breadcrumb of attention.

I was anxious and couldn’t sleep well or function well at work.

I would allow poor treatment, just to prop up the illusion that I was secure in a relationship externally. But deep down, I knew the truth, and it was eating away at me.

The distress was destroying my peace, joy, and confidence. It was even affecting my finances!

I knew I had to change, but I had fearful thoughts such as:

“Would my Twin Flame reject me if I have boundaries?”

“Would my Twin Flame love me if I loved myself?”

“What if he abandons me forever?”

It was only when I found the Teachings of Union that my Twin Flame Journey completely transformed into one of peace, joy, security, and confidence thanks to. I now have absolute clarity about the dynamics of my Twin Flame Union and can navigate the process with grace and ease.

Did I snap my fingers, and *voilà* I’m healed?

No! It took dedication, effort, and commitment to the right tools and support. The Teachings of Union are those tools and support!

From day 1, I felt deep relief. Within a couple months, I was sleeping through the night, and in touch with my Twin! This process worked so well that I chose to dedicate my life to helping others with it.

I graduated from Twin Flames Universe’s Ascension Coach Training Program in 2019, received my Master Certification in 2020, and have helped hundreds of clients attain their true heart’s desires and move closer to Harmonious Twin Flame Union than ever before.

I’m currently looking for 12 of you who are ready to commit to the Twin Flame Ascension Journey as I did, who are ready to change, ready to heal, and come into Harmonious Twin Flame Union. I’ve found that many are called, but few answer this call and are willing to:

Do whatever it takes to attain your Harmonious Twin Flame Union

Persist through the obstacles and challenges that arise

Accept deeper love, harmony, peace, and relief

Invest in all the support you will require to succeed on the journey

If this is you, then you’ll love my new Introductory Twin Flame Ascension Coaching Group! I’m limiting this group to only 12 people. I found that 12 creates a sense of community and intimacy. It’s only $111/month for an hour-long meeting every Saturday at 4:00 PM EDT starting tomorrow. In our group, I’ll take you through the Mirror Exercise that Jeff and Shaleia teach, bringing you more clarity and love in places you never have before. This group will run for six months, and some of you will be moving on to my Advanced group after that point. All members of my groups experience transformative results when they work the process!

To claim this chance to change your life permanently, visit my website and sign up now. I’ll be emailing the group a week before we start to get you set up with a subscription.

Serious inquiries only!


If you’re ready to claim this opportunity to let go of limiting beliefs and patterns and walk the path home to your Twin Flame, type “I’m in.”

See you soon!



Lobster Roll


My Own Kingdom