Ascension Symptoms

Can you really feel other people's emotions on this journey? The short answer is no, you can only feel your own emotions. So why does it seem like you're picking up on the vibes of everyone in the room as you progress on this path? Well, it's because you're becoming more sensitive, and that's a good thing! However, I want to offer some support on how to navigate this newfound sensitivity.

Picture it like this: it's akin to having an antenna that used to pick up signals within a 20-ft radius, and now it's reaching out to the vastness of outer space. It can be overwhelming, right? But fear not, let's break down what's happening.

As you embark on the Twin Flame journey, it's not something you choose; it chooses you. You become more self-aware, self-introspective, and you start exploring and questioning yourself. This heightened self-awareness makes you more attuned to your own feelings. Like a giant mirror, this self-awareness extends to others' feelings around you.

You become present in your environment, noticing details you might have overlooked before. The fragrant scent of Clementine oranges, the expressions on people's faces – it all becomes more vivid. And that's the beauty of increased sensitivity.

However, it's crucial to remember that other people's feelings are not your own. You don't have to absorb or carry their emotions. Setting boundaries is key. You can be present without taking on the emotional weight of those around you.

Now, how does this sensitivity play out in your Twin Flame union? Often, individuals attribute their emotions to their Twin Flame, thinking, "Oh, I feel sad; it must be my Twin Flame's feelings." Remember, you share one consciousness. If you feel something, it's yours. Don't ignore it; address it. Enter the Mirror Exercise – a four-step process that can swiftly guide you through introspection.

Lastly, let's touch on the concept of taking responsibility for your feelings. This doesn't mean taking responsibility for someone else's actions or emotions. It means going within yourself, finding peace, and taking aligned actions for your highest good.

In my own journey, my Twin Flame and I had to work through toxic patterns. By individually addressing our feelings and achieving inner peace, we purified our consciousness and nurtured a healthy union.

So, my fellow travelers, remember, you're on a path of self-discovery and growth. Embrace your newfound sensitivity, set loving boundaries, and take responsibility for your own feelings. If you're facing challenges, know that the work does pay off.

If you've found this helpful and want more personalized support, consider an introductory coaching session with me.

Next Steps

To heal the separation consciousness and ego that you are currently experiencing, seek support. You are not meant to go through this transformation alone. Consider Twin Flame Ascension coaching as one option, where experienced coaches can help you heal separation patterns.

You can also explore Twin Flame Ascension School, a comprehensive program designed to support you in your journey. Begin by accessing the free introductory course on the Twin Flames Universe website. This course includes eight lessons that gently guide you through the process of understanding and healing separation.

Lastly, consider reading the book "Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover," . Take action now to transform your life and your Twin Flame journey.


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