HTFU 2024

This year, I claim my Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

Josh and I are in Union, which means we are having a committed relationship and are living together. We see each other as Twin Flames and I’ve been doing my inner work through watching Twin Flame Ascension School and Life Purpose Class. He’s been coming to Ascension Coaching sessions with me.

The missing ingredient is: our relationship with the Church of Union. Right now, it’s just me who is participating in the community in depth. He’s been building his relationship with the Church little by little.

Josh has his own period of exploration, and needs to find the truth on his own.

It’s true that Twin Flames choose as one, and this is a core choice. Sometimes a choice made at the core is an initiation to a process.

This is similar to baking a cake.

Choice: I choose to bake a cake

Process: I collect and integrate ingredients for the cake, then bake it.

The choice is made a the core. Then, there’s a process of manifesting this choice in Divine Order.

But the moment you make the choice, it’s yours.

You can relax knowing that the process unfolds perfectly.

Leesie Mappes

I help Twin Flames out of separation and into Harmonious Union permanently.


In the Mirror