Let go of your TF?
Should you let go of your Twin Flame? I've been navigating the intricate world of Twin Flames for five beautiful years, and I'm here to offer you a perspective that might just be the key to unlocking a new chapter in your journey.
First things first, let's clarify what I mean by "letting go." It's not about tossing your Twin Flame aside with resentment or deciding to embark on a quest for a new flame.
No, no. The letting go I'm talking about is a release of the grip, a nonattachment that allows the natural flow of energy between you and your Twin Flame. This non-attachment is what I learned from Jeff and Shaleia at Twin Flames Universe.
Some folks believe they need to constantly poke and prod their twin flame connection to keep it alive – sending texts, managing every aspect, feeling the weight of the relationship on their shoulders. But here's the truth bomb – you don't have to play tug-of-war with your twin flame. Why? Because at the core, you and your twin flame are already one. It's a universal truth.
Now, if your Twin Flame seems distant, pushing you away, it's a signal, a message from the universe. It doesn't mean they don't love you or that they're not your twin flame. It's a deeper exploration into the realms of trust. Trust in the fact that, at the core, you and your twin flame are already united.
When you clutch onto the relationship, trying to steer it like a shopping cart, it's a sign that you're not trusting this universal truth. And guess what? The Law of Attraction kicks in – if you emit vibes of distrust, you'll attract experiences reinforcing that lack of trust. It's a loop that needs breaking.
So, how do you break free? Take a leap of faith. It doesn't have to be a grand canyon-sized leap; a small step will do. Release your twin flame to the universe or to the divine, surrendering rather than clenching.
Remember the spiritual mantra – "Let go and let God." Surrendering is not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of trust. You're not giving up; you're acknowledging the cosmic dance that's already in motion.
Why is it safe to let go? Because, my friend, when you do, you redirect all that energy back to yourself. Treat yourself the way you want to be treated. Shower yourself with love, attention, and care. As you do this, something magical happens – love amplifies and magnetizes, not just within you but in the grand dance of your twin flame connection.
Now, if the thought of letting go sends shivers down your spine, there's a handy tool called the Mirror Exercise. Identify your upset – maybe the fear that if you let go, your twin flame won't want you. Now, change the nouns to point at yourself – "I'm upset because I don't want myself." The real fear surfaces.
Ask yourself, is this true? There's always a part that needs love. Find that part, ask what it needs to feel loved, and shower it with the love your creator instilled in your heart. Keep doing this until you feel the peace. Let go of resisting self-love.
And if you find yourself stuck in this process, fret not. I'm here to guide you. I'm currently taking on new clients, and I've got some special deals waiting for you. Check out my shop for all your next steps.