Culinary School!

"The purpose of Harmonious Twin Flame Union (HTFU) is to live a God-centered life." - Jeff and Shaleia Divine, Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover. Coming into Union is just the first part of your journey, but there's much, much more beyond that. Josh and I have gone deeper in healing blocks in our Union, and we are going to weekly coaching with our coaches Jason &Chrissy Emerick who have helped us to let go of unhealthy relationship patterns and remain in Union. I don't know what Josh and I would do without our continued support!

As we've gone deeper, we established more peace, and part of our Life Purpose deepened: we are absolutely loving cooking #divinedish ( and Josh has been planting food in our garden. We recently ordered a small greenhouse to grow vegetables that we will cook in our Divine Dish meals, and Josh has applied to culinary school... guess what! He got in! And, he got a scholarship!!

It was such a blessing and miracle! ❤

It brought me a lot of relief knowing the journey was much longer than just coming into Union, because what is really happening is you are healing blocks to Union with God. You don't have to be perfectly healed to be with your Twin Flame, only cultivated the amount of unconditional love necessary to be with them compassionately.

You really do heal side by side with your Twin Flame in Union, and the process is the same. I still do my Mirror Exercises, and still have upsets. But they don't feel as difficult as in the past. That's not because they got easier, but because as you cultivate a practice of the Teachings of Union, you get stronger, and you get better at healing upsets!

No matter where you are, if you are completing one Mirror Exercise per week - celebrate that. Celebrate where you are right now, and the baby step that you took to get where you are. My entire journey is filled with seemingly small steps that truly added up, and I know that as I continue to do the work, I will continue to build upon what I have attained thus far.

Claim your support - it's so much easier with support! And, it's the wisest choice you can make in Love to go All-in without delay. Start here:


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