Letting go?

How to "LET GO" on your Twin Flame Journey

I've heard so many people say to me, "Just let it go," but what they actually meant was "drop it" "forget about it" "push aside" or "dismiss." That's not actually letting go. That's bypassing. You don't need to let go on your Twin Flame journey like that.

In practicing the Teachings of Union (which means regularly practicing the Mirror Exercise, working with my coach and watching TFAS classes) I finally had an a-ha moment about letting go.

With my coaches, Laurentiu and Alexandra Benzar we realized that I had been subconsciously dismissing my feelings sometimes during the Mirror Exercise. Instead of letting them flow and feeling them, when I heard the words 'let go,' I would shift gears and push my feelings aside. It was a form of numbing. What a relief it was when we discovered this and I gave myself permission to feel through my feelings there instead!

How you move through the Mirror Exercise is actually by FEELING your feelings, not dismissing them. Paying attention to yourself in the place that is hurt and bringing love there is how the four steps of the Mirror Exercise work. "Paying attention to yourself is loving yourself" is what Shaleia says in the Twin Flame Meditation CD (you can get that here https://www.twinflamesuniverse.com)

When I began to apply this insight to my Mirror Exercises since that point, I began to experience rapid and swift transformation. My Twin Flame Josh began to contact me more as I began feeling more of my feelings. It's not just about feeling the bad feeling and getting lost there, it's about intentionally feeling the feelings so that you can move through them. The Mirror Exercise sets you up so that you can move through what your Twin Flame is reflecting, or 'mirroring,' to you for healing, and then reach the other side of it.

On the other side of every upset is the joy, harmony and Union you've been looking for, and it's worth it to do the work of transforming your life through moving through your feelings instead of trying to control them by bypassing. Bypassing is also a form of control.

Therefore, when you hear the words "Let Go" it means let yourself be free to feel your feelings and move through them, rather than try to hold on to them, stuff them down, and control them. Letting yourself let go of control of your Twin Flame means that your Union is free to heal into harmony. Letting go doesn't mean 'throw away' or lose either, it means that you get to have what is yours without latching on to it or squeezing the life out of it. Just like this butterfly, when you let go of trying to hold on, your Union can be free and is yours entirely.

Do you choose to let go of control and let yourself be free in Love?


Twin Flame Valentine


He added me back!