A healing miracle!

Healing Miracle!

I want to share something of a miracle of healing I did around being sick.

This week, I had a pretty nasty cold. It felt like times in the past when I had a lingering cough and nasal congestion that would last for weeks, and sometimes turn into a sinus infection. I took all the over the counter meds that were available to me from cough suppressants, to herbal tea remedies, to shower steamers, and nettie pots... you name it. Nothing seemed to work and my symptoms seemed to worsen.

As I was in bed, I thought to myself, "I don't choose this." I realized I hadn't made the choice, and I had been thinking "oh well, it is what it is" not believing I had a choice.

Jeff and Shaleia teach us that, yes we do have a choice, and our choice is powerful! "Two of the most powerful qualities we have is choice and free will. There is nothing which can take our choice and free will away from us. The innermost tenets of our Being is choice and free will. You have the freedom to choose and your choices have tremendous power, of which, you may not yet even be aware of yet." (from Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, available here: https://www.TwinFlamesUniverse.com)

I chose health and I chose to be well so that I could live and contribute to society. I prayed to God and let Him know I didn't choose sickness.

I continued taking my OTC meds, but this time, I continued healing with the Mirror Exercise and with affirming my choice in health.

I didn't allow the illness to drag down my emotions.

I didn't allow the sickness to control me.

I chose health, and joy, and life!

Instead of getting angry and frustrated every time I had to blow my nose, I simply went through the motions with peace, and continued my choice in health.

... I kid you not, within four hours, ALL of my symptoms dissipated. ALL OF THEM. There was nothing that could logically explain this. Perhaps it was facilitated by my OTC meds or immune system finally kicking in, and I think that's part of it, but I am just astounded at how fast ALL of my symptoms went away.

I had zero congestion or cough. No headache. No body ache. I could breathe easily.

I know that regardless of the biology of how my cold went away, that it was greatly influenced by my choice to heal.

Your choice is powerful - don't underestimate it.

Your choice is how you participate directly in your miracles.

Don't assume that because you find yourself in a situation that feels bad that you are a powerless victim to that situation. You are not a victim, and you have power! Don't let the situation have power over you - claim your power back! That goes for anything, including the separation you may be experiencing from your Twin Flame. Love yourself with the Mirror Exercise, and make a new choice for yourself.

You can make a new choice, and that's essential in moving forward towards your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.


What happens after Union?


What would love do?