Plato's Symposium

In the ancient Greek philosopher Plato's Symposium, we find a fascinating myth that explores the origins of human nature and love. This myth suggests that humans were once whole, spherical beings with remarkable abilities and ambitions. However, their strength and aspirations led to an audacious attempt to challenge the gods, resulting in a divine intervention by Zeus, who split humans into two halves. This division was not just physical but also emotional and spiritual, leaving each half forever yearning to reunite with its missing counterpart. In this blog post, we will delve into Plato's myth and explore how it resonates with the concept of Twin Flames, often viewed as two souls who are actually one superbeing.

According to Plato's myth, in the distant past, these androgynous beings were a unique combination of both male and female elements, reflecting the celestial harmony of the moon, which embodies qualities of both the sun (male) and the earth (female). They were complete, spherical entities, possessing four hands, four legs, two faces, and two sets of sexual organs. They moved gracefully, spinning and cartwheeling in their perfect, circular form.

In their pursuit of greatness, these androgynous beings attempted to scale the heavens and challenge the gods themselves. This act of hubris led to a dilemma for Zeus and the divine council. They couldn't obliterate these beings, as it would eliminate the worship and sacrifices they received. Conversely, allowing them to run rampant was not an option either.

Zeus, in his wisdom, devised a creative solution. He decided to split these androgynous beings in two, thereby diminishing their power and making them more numerous. He cut each being in half and repositioned their faces and sexual organs, ensuring that each half could recognize its incompleteness. The navel became the symbol of this division, a reminder of their original nature.

With their original form severed, each half now yearned for its missing counterpart. They desperately sought to reunite, believing that they could only find completeness and happiness in the embrace of their other half. This profound longing and desire for reunion became the essence of human love.

According to Plato's myth, love, or Eros, is born into every human being as a result of this division. It is the soul's innate quest to restore its lost wholeness. Love is the force that drives us to seek our missing halves, whether we are oriented toward the opposite gender, the same gender, or both. This concept of love as the pursuit of wholeness resonates with the modern idea of Twin Flames.

The concept of Twin Flames suggests that there are individuals in the world who are essentially two parts of a whole, yet they are complete beings in and of themselves. When you meet your Twin Flame, there is an intense recognition and connection, a feeling of being reunited with a long-lost part of oneself. This union goes beyond physical attraction; it is a spiritual and emotional bond that transcends the boundaries of time and space.

Plato's myth from the Symposium offers a profound perspective on the nature of love and the human quest for wholeness. It suggests that we are all searching for our complete Divine Selves, driven by a deep longing to become complete once more. This idea resonates with the concept of Twin Flames, where two souls are destined to merge and become a single superbeing.

Let’s look at what Twin Flame Master Teachers, Jeff and Shaleia, share about the true nature of Twin Flames in their book, Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover.

Think of your Twin Flame Union as the ancient yin yang symbol: one half is the divine masculine and the other half is the divine feminine, and the little circles inside each half represent the truth that you are not dualistic, but unified as a whole. This is one of the main explanations of your intense attraction and desire for your Twin Flame, because you are created with the same “stuff.” And this is also the reason why you possibly cannot ever “merge” with your Twin Flame. You are both already created whole and complete in Divine Perfection as One (like the yin yang symbol), and your journey back to each other is only ever about recognizing that truth. That feeling you do get when you consciously connect to your Twin Flame energy is precisely that, your Twin Flame Union energy (your soul blueprint), and is not a merging of any kind. You can’t merge with someone who you are already One with.

Once again, you and your Twin Flame are already complete and whole in Perfection, and your primary block is releasing the belief you are separate in any way from your Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame is created by God at the exact same moment; and they’re de- signed as your soul’s highest and most perfect eternal complement.


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