
The truth is that you and your twin flame are already one; you are already married in Divine truth. You were created as one by the Divine. So, you might wonder why, if the Divine created you as one, you ended up marrying someone else. It's important to understand that the Divine didn't allow this to happen out of negligence or with any intent to cause harm. The reason this situation exists is because you, as a Divine being, have the power to create your reality. You have the free will to choose between love and fear, alignment with the Divine or not, throughout your lifetime. Your life is a journey of learning what aligns with Divine truth and what doesn't. So, please don't be too hard on yourself.

I've been through it myself—I've had two marriages before I even knew about twin flames. Deep down, I was always searching for "the one," and at the time, I thought those marriages were it. But they weren't. There's no point in beating yourself up over past choices. Even though I didn't know about twin flames back then, it was relatively easy for me to end those marriages because I was committed to feeling good. I couldn't ignore the fact that I wasn't happy, and I made significant efforts to improve those relationships. I tried counseling, spiritual counseling, and everything in between, but nothing worked. It felt torturous to stay with someone who wasn't meant for me. It was like trying to force two opposing magnets together—it just didn't work.

Now, I understand that it might not be easy for everyone to walk away from a marriage that isn't aligned with their true self and their happiness. There are often deeply ingrained belief systems at play. Some people feel guilt or a sense of obligation to stay in a marriage, even when it's making them miserable. They might think they're doing it for the sake of their family, their children, or to avoid societal judgment.

But let me share a personal story here. When I was a child, my parents divorced when I was 15, but the signs of unhappiness were there long before. My sister and I, between the ages of 10 and 15, actually sat down with our parents and told them that they should get a divorce. We could feel the tension in our home, even when they weren't arguing out loud. It was palpable, and it made us miserable. We didn't want them to stay together for our sake. Children are intuitive; they can sense when their parents are sacrificing their own happiness for the sake of others. It wasn't the message we wanted to learn. We didn't want to believe that we had to endure emotional suffering for the sake of marriage.

So, if you're in a situation where you know you're with the wrong person, please consider the impact on your children and your own well-being. Children can sense when their parents are unhappy, and they're learning from your example. Sacrificing your happiness for the sake of others isn't the path to a fulfilling life.

Now, let's talk about those of you whose twin flames are married to someone else. This situation isn't all that different. Somewhere within your shared consciousness with your twin flame, you've both chosen to have this other person in the mix. This person might serve as a buffer, a security blanket, preventing you from getting too close to your true twin flame. Your twin flame might hold onto this buffer like a teddy bear, while you, too, might have something similar within you that's acting as a barrier to true intimacy and vulnerability. It might not be a person; it could be your job, your anger, or some other form of emotional defense mechanism.

The point is that these barriers can be worked through. If you're resonating with what I'm saying, I'm here to help. Consider reaching out for an introductory session or joining one of my groups. You can find all the details in the video description below.

In conclusion, remember that your journey is about aligning with Divine truth and love. It's about choosing a path that leads you to your twin flame and harmonious Union. It's never too late to make a new choice, even if it's challenging. You might need to chip away at the barriers that have held you back, but eventually, you'll find a door to your Union. And when that door appears, you'll have a choice—walk through it or remain where you are.

What to do next?

It’s important to keep choosing love, and healing, over fear and separation. You may struggle letting go of these thought patterns and coming closer to your Twin Flame, but I can help you! If you’re ready to transform your Love Life with your Twin Flame, book an introductory session with me!

If you'd like to begin right away, you can register for a private coaching group here.

I have a special deal where you can get 50% off your first 60-min Ascension Coaching session with me.  All you need to do is sign up for the Free Twin Flame Ascension Introductory Course with Twin Flames Universe. If you've already done this, even better!

Once you receive your first lesson via email, you can then book your introductory session with me, with the 50% discount already applied here.

Wishing you much love and many blessings!



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