New habits

Following Jason and Chrissy's insightful sermon on Addiction during last week's Church of Union Sunday Service, I have taken a deeper dive into releasing my codependency and reliance on external factors instead of God's guidance.

A significant realization occurred when I acknowledged that I used to bring my phone to bed, using it as an alarm clock. Sometimes, I would inadvertently get caught up in checking various things on my phone, leading to minutes or even hours of scrolling. This habit not only wasted a substantial amount of time but also left me tired the following day. In response, I made the decision to purchase a dedicated alarm clock. I came across a wonderful light alarm clock that simulates waking up with sunlight along with soothing sounds. I tested it out yesterday while ensuring my phone was out of reach (though I still had my phone's alarm on as a backup).

Interestingly, without my phone nearby, I became aware of numerous instances where the impulse to check it arose as I lay in bed trying to fall asleep. These urges were mostly connected to fleeting thoughts I wanted to explore in the moment. For instance, questions like, "How long did it take to construct the gothic cathedrals in Europe?" or "Did I receive a response to my email?" would pop up, followed by the realization that I couldn't instantly satisfy these curiosities. These experiences highlighted the pervasive nature of instant gratification that's become so common in our digital age, thanks to high-speed internet and smartphones. I was relieved that my phone's absence allowed my mind to unwind, minimizing the constant search for the next piece of information.

I'm genuinely intrigued to observe how this change, not having my phone near my bed, will affect my overall well-being over time.


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