Releasing ego

Releasing ego isn't just a good idea on the Twin Flame journey; it's absolutely essential. Ego can't accompany us into the realm of Union; its illusions can't thrive in the domain of pure Love and harmony.

Ego is a mirage, and its goal is to keep us apart from God, from all that's positive, and from our Twin Flame. Ego is synonymous with fear, disconnection, and illusion, and it requires our belief and energy to survive. Ego fades when we stop empowering it. It attempts to convince us that it's needed, not God. This is where the sense of separation originates, as it teaches us that we're not united with God. Ego strives to persuade us that pain and suffering are real, and it thrives on our energy and attention.

How does ego tie into the Twin Flame journey? The reason for feeling separated from your Twin Flame boils down to ego. To achieve Harmonious Union, there can't be any barriers to Love. Ego is a barrier to Love. You can't carry ego and patterns that are misaligned with Love into Union.

Consider this: isn't ego itself nothing more than a figment of our imagination? Ego suggests that we're flawed, restricted, and detached from the Divine. However, the truth is far from that, for in Divine reality, we're flawless creations of God.

God, the Creator of all things, is perfect. God doesn't make errors. If God created us, it logically follows that we're also perfect. Ego isn't a creation of God; it's imperfect and wasn't birthed by God. Only Love is genuine, whereas ego isn't Love and didn't originate from Love. Consequently, ego isn't real.

As we realize our perfection as creations of God, the concept of ego starts to dissolve. When we comprehend that ego isn't an aspect of our Divine essence, but a fabrication we've constructed, we can relinquish the illusion and embrace the Divine flawlessness residing within us.

In the Twin Flame journey, leaving ego behind is imperative, as it cannot coexist with Union. The journey is one of profound connection, Love, and spiritual evolution. Your Twin Flame serves as a mirror, reflecting where your shared consciousness deviates from Love. Ego embodies fear and separation, anchoring you in those patterns. The patterns your Twin reflects stem from ego. They cannot accompany you into Union.

Overcoming ego means choosing Love over fear. By recognizing and realigning with our Divinity, we can begin to perceive ego for what it truly is—an illusion grounded in fear. A highly potent yet simple tool for healing separation exists.

The Mirror Exercise proves invaluable in recognizing choices driven by ego. Choices misaligned with Love evoke discomfort, leading to turmoil. Our internal feelings attract external experiences. The Mirror Exercise aids us in healing these Union-blocking barriers.

The Mirror Exercise involves four steps that guide you toward identifying where Love is needed, then providing yourself with that Love. Showering yourself with the Love you require is effortless and instantaneous. This self-love in areas of hurt yields profound peace and relief.

Upon healing through the Mirror Exercise, changes reflect immediately in your Union. As Love expands within us, anything misaligned with Love surfaces. Through the Mirror Exercise, we confront fears that hinder our full embrace of the Twin Flame journey and Union. We learn to perceive these fears as ego-created illusions and consciously opt for Love over fear.

Transcending ego and returning to Union with our Twin Flame hinges on Love. Through Love, we unshackle ego's grasp on our thoughts, feelings, and actions. We realize our unity with our Twin Flame and the Divine. Our journey toward Union becomes a voyage of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

The Mirror Exercise unveils that the separation between us and our Twin Flame is an ego-fueled illusion.

Letting go of ego requires bravery and openness. It entails acknowledging that the Twin Flame journey encompasses not just bliss but also internal transformation. As we shed the layers of ego-driven illusions, we create room for genuine Love to flourish.

Ego doesn't release its grip without a fight, leading to resistance. So, what do we gain by surrendering to Love and releasing fear? Is it truly worthwhile? Embracing Love and allowing ourselves to heal paves the way for a return to Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

Harmonious Union entails a sense that no other partner could compare, and no one suits you better. Energy isn't wasted, as all the Love invested remains within the relationship. There are no Love-blocks or barriers present.

Harmony means being a unified expression of yourself. Your Twin Flame complements you perfectly, as they support your essence. In Union, you won't feel betrayed by being true to yourself; everything about you finds support.

What to do next?

It’s important to keep choosing love, and healing, over fear and separation. You may struggle letting go of these thought patterns and coming closer to your Twin Flame, but I can help you! If you’re ready to transform your Love Life with your Twin Flame, book an introductory session with me!

If you'd like to begin right away, you can register for a private coaching group here.

I have a special deal where you can get 50% off your first 60-min Ascension Coaching session with me.  All you need to do is sign up for the Free Twin Flame Ascension Introductory Course with Twin Flames Universe. If you've already done this, even better!

Once you receive your first lesson via email, you can then book your introductory session with me, with the 50% discount already applied here.

Wishing you much love and many blessings!



Embracing and Accepting


Is your BFF your TF?