
"Imagination is energy."

Jeff and Shaleia, Twin Flame Meditations

It is really important to use your Divine gifts to imagine what you desire, and to use your imagination in Step 4 of the Mirror Exercise to give the part of you that is hurt all the love it needs.

A place where you may be getting stuck in the Mirror Exercise is to go to step 4 and just give the bad feeling presence. Presence is important, but Jeff and Shaleia also teach to ask the part of you what it needs to feel loved - it will always tell you - and then give it to yourself. Use your imagination to give yourself everything you need until it feels better. A hug, a celebration, reassurance - anything that this part of you needs.

As they mention in the book, your brain doesn't know the difference between what you see and experience in the physical world, and what you see and experience when you utilize your visualization and imaginative faculties. (p.99)

Giving yourself love requires this creative energy that you were endowed with. This creative energy is your Divinity, this is what it means that you were created in God's image. You may notice that what you are choosing to imagine is what becomes your reality. Do you choose to imagine good outcomes, or negative-feeling outcomes? Notice this and make a new choice where you are choosing ego.

Do you choose to love the part of you that is feeling hurt by giving it all the love it needs, exactly what it needs, until it is complete? Use your capacity of imagination to give that part of you love now. Notice if there is any resistance, voice of doubt or "this is never gonna work." Say no to ego there. Ego wants to be right. Saying 'no' to ego and fully allowing yourself to imagine what you desire is choosing your Heaven on Earth the inside. The outer experience doesn't produce the inner experience, it is only the other way around. Your inner reality is reflected in the outer experience.

This is Truth.

Twin Flame Healing Meditations and school are available here:


Seeing Beauty

