Your Purpose

I came for my Twin Flame, and I get to unlock my Life Purpose too??

"Twin Flames aren’t just about having a really hot babe to smooch and love while you’re at home. Twin Flames are about having someone you can absolutely align your life with in every aspect because that’s your natural design. They’re about having your perfect teammate in life, whether it’s parenting a family, co-creating a business, or building a particular lifestyle together and/or all of the above. Having a Twin Flame is about having a co-adventurer in life with the one other person who wants all the same things you do, and it means you get to create and share a purpose together. It is so much more than having just a lover; a Twin Flame is your eternal lifetime partner in creation!" - Jeff and Shaleia, Twin Flames: Finding your Ultimate Lover.

You were created together with your Twin Flame, so they are a part of ALL of who you are. And, your Divine Life Purpose is part of who you are, how you were created by God to be and do. Living your life on purpose in alignment with God feels good and gives you meaning and drive. When I got clear on what felt good for me to do - helping people with the Mirror Exercise to come into harmony with their Twin Flames, I got clear on my Purpose as an Ascension Coach. When I saw that I could coach people all day long and still have unlimited energy, this was a big sign that it was my divine Life Purpose.

Not living your Life Purpose feels constricting and diminishes your energy. You feel tired every day and have to take breaks, vacations and then retire to make up for all the energy leaked into a role you weren't designed for. Some people even self-medicate to counterbalance the negative feelings of not living your life on purpose.

Getting clear on what you desire is key to being able to get clear with your Twin Flame in harmony. If you don't have your Twin Flame person next to you, then it's a great time to start taking steps to get clear on your Life Purpose, and how to manifest it. "Purpose is an underlying motivating reason for which you do everything. Having purpose means you are filled with drive to accomplish, create, do, and express."

I've seen countless Twin Flames begin to master their Life Purpose and then manifest Harmonious Twin Flame Union shortly afterward. Living your Life Purpose means you are choosing to be your Divine Self fully, and this is absolutely magnetic to your Twin Flame! So if you're feeling stuck on your Twin Flame Journey, it may be time to focus on getting clear on and the taking steps towards your Divine Life Purpose. Having the foundation laid in your LP means that your Union has a sturdy base from which to thrive.

You don't need to wait for your Twin Flame in order to take the steps to master your Life Purpose now! That is backwards thinking, for waiting just gets you more waiting. If you're not clear about your Life Purpose, your Twin will reflect that until you make a new choice to go All In with God and live your life in harmony with your complete Self.


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