You are valuable!

You. Are. Valuable. Periodt!

But I used to not feel so about myself. I've had the most success changing how I feel and think about myself with the support of the Teachings of Union found in all of Jeff and Shaleia's work at Twin Flames Universe.

One very powerful, energy-packed course is the Twin Flames: Romance Attraction e-Course. Jeff and Shaleia share, "What this course gears you to do is to rearrange your position about yourself with yourself." This is very true!

The course gives you concrete, specific guidance on how to love yourself in places where you may be holding on to a limiting belief about yourself. Those limiting beliefs are present in all you think and do, and what you believe about yourself must always manifest in the reflection of the physical world. This is why, in order to change something about your life, the best place to start is changing yourself within.

If you’re feeling stuck and can’t seem to let go of those limiting beliefs about yourself, then start here with our free Introductory Course at, it comes with a discount code for your first Ascension Coaching session.

To get started with coaching, you can book your first 1:1 introductory session with me 50% off here

Leesie Mappes

I help Twin Flames out of separation and into Harmonious Union permanently.

Parallel Universe

